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Y5 16th November










On Teams Class PSHE slot about home learning Y5  11.15-11.45am.

You need to download and log-in to Microsoft Teams and then click on join now on your invitation email.




On Teams Class PSHE slot about home learning Y5 11.15-11.45pm.

You need to download and log-in to Microsoft Teams and then click on join now on your invitation email.




Reading Comprehension Year 5 Book One – p18 & 19

Tracking Basking Sharks Newsreport


Do the work in the actual comprehension book.

Look at real- life examples of news reports.

Read a text together and ask them to think of what the text is trying to say. They should then write a summary of each report based around 5 questions.

What? Where? Who? When? What next? - space - freakshakes

Pets in the White House 2020

Covid Vaccine

Working independently the children can cut up and annotate their own current affairs news article. Stick in the cut up sheet and label with a key in the purple book.

Headline, byline, use of past tense, fact, opinion, bias, quotes, conjunctions, presentation of key information. Caption, pictures etc + Alliteration? Play on words?

Identify and discuss the five ‘W’ questions – Who? What? Where? Why? When?






Modal Verb sheet



New Spelling words – please handwrite each one at least three times as we do in school – fully formed and joined. Take your time.

Write each word into a sentence in your normal yellow spelling homework book

Spelling twinkl activity- wordsearch activity link to open

Look , Cover, Say, Write, Check activity

Spelling Test – you need a helper to call them out in a random order and then to mark them. Do in your red book



Times tables rock stars


Tables and timetables


Year 5 maths – Target Practice Maths Workbook P102 and 103


This is revision from the last maths unit we have completed. 

Times tables rock stars


Bar charts


Year 5 maths – Target Practice Maths Workbook P104 and 105


Line graphs


Year 5 maths – Target Practice Maths Workbook P106 and 107


Both of these pages are revision from the last maths unit we have completed.  I gave you both oages so you would be abke to see two different types of graphs. 



Times tables rock stars




Year 5 maths – Target Practice Maths Workbook P30 and 31.


This is something we haven’t cover this year yet, however you will have all the skills needed to be successful.  Remember column method multiplication. 


Times tables rock stars




Year 5 maths – Target Practice Maths Workbook P32 and 33


This is something we haven’t cover this year yet, however you will have all the skills needed to be successful.  Remember bus stop method division. 


Times tables rock stars


Word problems


Year 5 maths – Target Practice Maths Workbook P34 and 35


This is a chance for you to use your maths skills to answer the word problems.  Take your time and read he questions carefully. 


Geography/ Science/ PSHE

Science – electrical components


Follow the lesson and complete any questions/tasks in your book

Geography –

Seven Continents of the World Labelling sheet.


Lesson presentation ‘Over and Under’


Activity Sheet Map co-ordinates

Do the 1 star sheet to get the idea and then move to the two star as this is the age appropriate sheet.


PE – outdoor learning or sweeping leaves in the garden or playing on a trampoline.


PSHE – This is National Anti-Bullying Week. Create a poster that shares the STOP message (Several Times on Purpose) Be creative and use colours and cartoon style pictures. We hope to use some of these in our cloakroom.

Science – circuit diagrams


Follow the lesson and complete any questions/tasks in your book

Scratch – lesson 3 – Adding effects.

You can save this and then email it to me and I will save it to go in the ‘our work’ folder.


And finish any other work that you haven’t completed.


Sing along to your favourite music


Go outside and do PE skills.


