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Y5 01-02-21









Live Lesson 9.30am

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus

Planning the explanation about Dams






Log into Purple Mash ready for the lesson – use of shared work space – we will show you how.

Gather ideas of what to include.


Education City – go to classwork activities.

These will take all week for you to do linked to explanations – passive sentences and editing work.

We can see when you go on and how many tries that you have had. This will be monitored.

Education City Activities

Rainforest Report

Learn Screen


Activity Sheet


The Cave of Verbs

Learn Screen


In Tense Adventure Activity


Adventure Holiday Activity


Novel Approach Adventure


Sequenced work 01-02-21 – 05-02-21

Assessment Writing - Explanation Texts


This will need to be completed over a double page of your book (at least). Or you could do this on Microsoft Powerpoint – if you log in through Microsoft 365 you can share directly to us or use 2Write on Purple Mash and add images into your work.


  • You need to include information about:
  • What a dam is and how it works
  • Where major dams can be found
  • All the information you found in your research
  • Pictures
  • Captions
  • Diagrams


Also, you need to use all the features of Y5/6 writing you have been taught.


Headings/subheadings/bullet points/questions/modal verbs/passive sentences/complex sentences

Live Lesson 9.30am

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus



Catch up





Complex sentences.

Start with a 3 word sentence. Eg.

A)The dog barked.


Add a noun phrase and a conjunction. Eg.

B)The big, black dog barked because the postman came.


Then add a clause with a relative pronoun. Dashes, brackets or a pair of commas.


C)The big, black dog (who was called Barney) barked because the postman came.


Try to write 5 sets of sentences please.





New Spellings –handwriting of each word three times.


Homophones and Near Homophones


Write each spelling word into a sentence.

Spelling twinkl activity- wordsearch activity link to open

Look , Cover, Say, Write, Check activity

Spelling Test – you need a helper to call them out in a random order and then to mark them.


Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)

Equivalent fractions


Complete the worksheet – you do not need to print, you can do it in your book.

Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)

Fractions greater than 1





Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)


Improper fractions to mixed numbers


Live Lesson 11am

All Y5 – Mr Moore

Mixed numbers to improper fractions


Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)

Number sequences





Geography/ Science/ PSHE

Reading comprehension

Book One p14 – explanation text



PE – Skipping Challenge

If you can find a skipping rope and challenge yourself to see how many skips you can achieve in a minute. If you trip, you can restart or just carry on. Mrs Plaister has set this as a personal challenge.

Live Lesson 1.30pm

Y6 -  All Mrs Anderson

Y5 – All Mr Moore

RE – What is a Christian place of worship and what is it for?

Compare the similarities and differences of a Baptist and Anglican church.

Split into 2 groups “ separate envelopes. Each person has an outline of a church then draws the features they have been given and sticks description underneath. Swap sheets to compare differences.

Give out Anglican and Baptism cards. Ch read and work out who has which.

 Identify differences between each church. Write down as a comparison.



How much of a solid can dissolve in a liquid? What would you estimate? Is it the same for each solid?

For this lesson you will need a small amount of water (50ml) in a clear container and some salt or sugar and a spoon to do the experiment.


 When no more solid can be dissolved into a liquid, the solution is said to be ‘saturated’.


Compare both salt and sugar, working with no more than 50 ml water and solids to begin with.


Add a level spoon full at a time and stir until it dissolves, keep adding a spoon at a time and stirring. Keep going until you start to see small amounts of salt or sugar in the bottom of your container. How many spoonfuls could be dissolved in 50ml of water?


How will you know when the solution is saturated? What will you see? What will the solution feel like? Do you think that more or less of the solid would dissolve if the water were hotter? Why?


When you have completed the experiment, use the assignment in TEAMs to share your findings with your teacher.

PE – Make a Museum of Memories on a page or a piece of A4 paper.

Think about the things you would like to remember about your time at Whitwell Primary School.

What have you achieved, been involved in, who have you met.

Share things you have done and celebrate learning and successes. This could be from nursery to Y5/6!



Live Lesson 2.30pm

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus


Catch up time with Class Novel


  • Go for a walk
  • Go for cycle ride
  • Play football in the garden
  • Make a little circuit of fitness like we do on the playground –steps, star jumps, lunges, running on the spot, the plank, sit-ups.



