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Y5 08-02-21









Live Lesson 9.30am

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus


Erosion and Deposition

Join your class teacher to find out the answers to all of these questions....

Why don’t rivers travel in straight lines? Another way that rivers change shape is through erosion and deposition. What do these words mean?

How is an oxbow lake formed and what happens to them?

Complete the How Rivers change shape 2 star activity sheet to show what effect erosion and deposition has on rivers.

How do waterfalls cause erosion?

In this lesson, we will identify vocabulary that we do not know the meaning of. Then, we will look at some strategies for working our the meaning of those words. Finally, we will practise this skill for some of the words in the poem.

In this lesson, we will learn key strategies for answering retrieval and inference questions and apply these to answer questions about the poem.

In this lesson, we will look at the structure of the poem and the poet's choice of language. We will then think about some of the key phrases in the poem and think about their effect on the reader


Live Lesson 9.30am

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus



Catch up


In this lesson, we will discuss some of the themes in the poem. After this, there will be an opportunity to write our own poem using similar themes to the ones identified in 'The Listeners'.



Education City

Alligator Alliteration

Education City

By the Book




New Spellings –handwriting of each word three times.


Homophones and near Homophones

Write each spelling word into a sentence.

Spelling twinkl activity- wordsearch activity link to open

Look , Cover, Say, Write, Check activity

 Spelling test

Please have your scores ready for the 930 meeting.


Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)

Compare and order fractions less than 1 (first part of worksheet)

Complete the worksheet – you do not need to print, you can do it in your book.

Live Lesson 11am

All Y5 – Mr Moore

Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)

Compare and order fractions less than 1 (second part of worksheet)

Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)


Compare and order fractions greater than 1 (first part of worksheet)

Live Lesson 11am

All Y5 – Mr Moore

Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be studio)

Compare and order fractions greater than 1 (second part of worksheet)

Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)


Add and subtract fractions


Geography/ Science/ PSHE

The Listeners Poem by Walter de la Mere

In this lesson, we will learn about the poet, Walter de la Mere, and read the poem 'The Listeners' for the first time. We will then think about our first impressions of the poem and what we understand the poem to be about.

PE – Skipping Challenge

If you can find a skipping rope and challenge yourself to see how many skips you can achieve in a minute. If you trip, you can restart or just carry on. Mrs Plaister has set this as a personal challenge.

Chinese New Year

Mrs Duncan has a trial for us to follow linking PSHE and our dancing in PE


It is on Friday 12th  February this week.

Create a dragon poster – can you add a new year greeting using Chinese Lettering?

Live Lesson 1.45pm

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus

In this lesson we will begin to explore how materials

change when they are brought together in different ways. We will identify types of changes and group them according to whether we think the change could be reversed, and then according to the conditions needed to bring about the change.


Identify the changes in the busy kitchen scene. What is happening and is the change reversible or irreversible?


 Now use what you have found out to fill in the assignment on your class Teams page. Don’t forget to hand it in.


Draw a series of about 6 - 8 illustrations of reversible and irreversible changes. Your teacher will give some suggestions of how this could be set out.

Please finish off anything you haven’t completed from this half-term.



Purple Mash

English Comprehensions – look back over the last weeks plans

Maths lesson work

Education City

Rivers work

RE or PSHE art work.




Live Lesson 2.30pm

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus


Catch up time with Class Novel

PE –

  • Go for a walk
  • Go for cycle ride
  • Play football in the garden
  • Make a little circuit of fitness like we do on the playground –steps, star jumps, lunges, running on the spot, the plank, sit-ups.



