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Our P.E.times are Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.

Tuesday = indoors

Wednesday = outdoors


Swimming lessons will restart this term and will be for Year 5 only.

Swimming will be a Tuesday afternoon.


Please make sure your child wears their full PE kit for school on these days, including named plain shorts, a named plain clean t-shirt or some plain joggers and they need trainers to wear outdoors. They must have a pair of trainers for outdoor PE. The children will be doing PE outdoors so please ensure they have warm clothing as the weather changes.


For PE indoors please ensure children have black or navy shorts or leggings on with a plain t-shirt. For gymnastics and pilates children will have bare feet.


All jewellery is removed for PE except newly pierced earrings which must be taped with tape provided from home.



Earrings need to be removed for swimming.

They should be removed for PE. Tape can only be used to cover earrings if it is provided from home.


Hair must be tied up for health and safety reasons for PE and swimming. Goggles can only be worn for swimming if the form is signed by parent/guardians to give the permission.
