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Week beginning 11th May

Please continue to use the Ruth Miskin videos for phonics. There is no need to use the videos for Speed Sounds set 1.






All- This week we will be using the Oak National Academy lessons for Maths. Please use the link below and select the correct year group for your lesson each day.

FS- Counting objects up to 20.

Y1- To compare numbers within 100 on a number line.

FS- Order numbers up to 20.

Y1- To compare numbers within 100 on a place value chart.

FS- Developing a sense of 10 Followed by your choice of Education City maths homework.

Y1- To order numbers within 100

FS- Exploring place value.

Y1- To order numbers within 100.

FS- Finding one more than a number to 20.

Y1- To identify patterns with a sequence of numbers .

All- Read through your spellings and look for special friends. Practise writing them with your best handwriting.


If you have time choose a game on Phonics play. (link below)

All- Write a description of an animal of your choice. You can describe the way it looks, moves, acts and maybe how it sounds or even smells. Write in simple sentences of challenge yourself by using a conjunction such as ‘and’.

All- Practice spellings by either printing off the word search or putting the words into sentences to show you understand what they mean.

Y1- BBC bitesize lesson- Using exclamation marks.

FS- Choose and Education City game to play from the homework I have set.

All- Ask a gron up to test you on your spellings.


After you could choose and game from Phonics Play.

All- choose a video to move to from BBC Supermovers.

All- follow the lesson from the Reception section of the Oak National Academy lessons- Habitats

All- follow the lesson from the Reception section of the Oak National Academy lessons- Rainforest animals

Y1- Choose one of the Minibeast habitat sheets from below. Match the minibeast to its habitat.


FS- Draw 2 animals in their habitat. You might choose an underwater habitat, woodland habitat or a polar habitat.

All- follow the lesson from the Year 1 section of the Oak National Academy lessons- To make an insect using natural materials.
