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Tillie has been a brilliant home learner! She is accessing all the learning set and emails me (with her dad) at least once a day with all her work for me to mark and return and to share with everyone! She deserves this WOW so much in recognition of this. I think her folder of work is amazing! I'm sure Tillie has worked as hard at home as she would in school and she attends most of the live lessons whenever she can. Well done!!


Lexi is so committed to her school work. She is learning from home and she is always there with a smile on her face. She has been at every live lesson possible and with her parents she keeps in regular contact with me.

Lexi has sent work and shared things through Purple Mash and on word and Powerpoint through Teams. She is determined not to lose focus on learning so she is ready to start Y7 at the right stage in September! Go Lexi!!
