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Week 9









9.20 – 9.40

Shared Reading


Read Knights and Dragons Unite Story. Find the meanings of any unfamiliar words. Write the words and their meanings and then a sentence of your own using the unfamiliar word.

Reading - Oxford Owl


Rumpelstiltskin pages 1 - 15



Jumping In

Reading - Oxford Owl


Rumpelstiltskin pages 15 - end

Reading - Oxford Owl


Play the activities for  Rumpelstiltskin



​​​​​​​9.40 - 10.30

Sentence Types


Look through the sentence types PowerPoint. Then the Knight and Dragons task PowerPoint. Complete the task set in the PowerPoint.



‘Describe the Dragon’ activity. This is linked to the story we are working with this week.

Spelling Punctuation and Grammar


Complete some or all of the ‘K&D SPAG Challenge Cards’


Come up with your own short story about a Knight or Dragon or both. Remember to have a beginning where characters are introduced. A middle where the main part of the story is and an end where everything is resolved.

10.30 – 11.00




11.00 – 12.15

Column Addition


Complete the question on today’s sheet. Remember you don’t have to print this you could write out each question like you would do at school.

Column Addition Crossing into tens


Complete the question on today’s sheet. Remember you don’t have to print this you could write out each question like you would do at school.


Column Addition Mixed


Complete the question on today’s sheet. Remember you don’t have to print this you could write out each question like you would do at school.

Column Addition Word Problems


Complete the question on today’s sheet. Remember you don’t have to print this.

Education City


Play on some or all of the games:

Dancing Robot

Spin a Ring

Swing a Ring

Tomb of Doom

Dungeon Run

12.15 – 1.15


Afternoon Sessions


1.15 - 2.00


Break 2.00 – 2.15


2.15 - 3.15

Science - Name Wild Plants


Look through the PowerPoint showing names of wild plants. Complete the wild plant hunt in your garden, the park or whilst out for a walk. Draw or stick in pictures of some of the wild pant then describe them using information from the PowerPoint.

Science – In the Garden


Look through today’s PowerPoint to learn about the different plants you might find in gardens. Draw a picture of a beautiful garden with some of these plants in it.

 PE – Bat and ball sills


In school we will be using bats and balls with a partner bowling a ball for the other to strike. We will then change over and create some competitions around this. If you are at home and have a bat and ball you could do the same. Or use the yoga link below.

Art – Orla Kiely


Look through the PowerPoint about Orla Kiely. Then follow the instructions at the end to create a piece of work in her style.


Science – Parts of a Plant


Look through todays PowerPoint to learn about the parts of a plant. Then create a picture in your own style to show what you have learnt.
