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17.09.21 WOW nominations

01.10.21 WOW nominations

22.10.21 WOW nominations

12.11.21 WOW nominations

Caylun has been nominated for WOW for challenging himself in Maths lessons he has started to reach the challenge more and really focus in Maths lessons.

Ethan has been chosen for WOW for moving up a significant amount on his star reader test. He has made huge amounts of progress in his reading, well done Ethan!

26.11.21 WOW nominations

Xanthe has been nominated for WOW for always having a fantastic attitude and enthusiasm for every lesson. She is a good role model for the class and is always interested in what we are learning about.

Tommy has been chosen for WOW as he asks questions about what we are learning about and shows his interest in every topic that we are learning about to allow him to develop a deeper understanding.

10.12.21 WOW nominations

This week I have chosen Lily as she has completed some excellent pieces of written work that include all the key features asked of her.

I have also nominated Phoebe as her English work has improved significantly and she is now including all of the things that I am asking of her.

WOW nominations 21.01.22

WOW nominations 04.03.22

11.03.22 WOW nominations

WOW nominations 25.03.22

08.04.22 WOW nominations
