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Miss Webster


Cherry Tree Class to your last term

Summer 2


This year all our classes are named after British Trees

If you have any questions or need to contact me for anything please email me on

Important information

  • The classroom door will be open from 8.45am. Children must be at school by 8.55. You enter the classroom via the door near the junior yard.
  • The end of the day is 3.15. Parent are to wait on the yard near the classroom and the children will come to you there.
  • Children need to bring wellies on the first day and they are then to remain at school. Please put your child's name in the wellies to avoid confusion.
  • Children need to have a spare jumper at school as ventilation remains important and the windows will remain open throughout the day.
  • Children need a coat, book bag, a water bottle and a lunch box if having a packed lunch daily.
  • PE is on Thursday outdoor and Friday indoor - On these days your child needs to come in Outdoor PE kit which  consists of plain t shirt ( prefereable white) shorts or leggings/joggers ( Black or blue) black trainers and a jumper or cardigan ( could be school jumper). When we do indoor PE the children will need shorts under their joggers or ready to change into. ( see detail in letter from head teacher)