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Week beginning 22nd June

Please continue to use the Ruth Miskin video's for phonics.








Year 1- pages 32-33 of Maths workbook

Year 1- pages 34-35 of Maths workbook

Year 1- pages 36-37 of Maths workbook. Try to only ask for help with reading.

Year 1- pages 38-39 of Maths workbook. Try to only ask for help with reading.

Year 1- pages 40-41 of Maths workbook

FS2- Using Oak academy for 2 days.


Explore sharing quantities Solve practical problems

Explore sharing quantities Solve practical problems





Year 1- Spellings

Pages 32-33 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 34-35 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 36-37 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 38-39 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 40-41 of English workbook

FS2- Spellings

Using Oak National Academy

Language Focus - magic

Hear the story (audio retrieval)

Commit the story to memory (map)

to write sentences form the story

to write sentences form the story


Choose a Cosmic Kids Yoga to do from Youtube

All- Oak National Academy space week


How to catch a star - Oliver Jeffers

5 little men in a fly saucer - moving like aliens

Choose a BBC Supermovers video to get up and move to

Alien hand and footprints

Foundation Stage spellings
