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Our topic this term is a history and science based topic!


Our big question is...How do things change?

In science this term the topic is states of matter. The children will classify materials as solids, liquids or gases by observing their properties. The children will plan and complete an investigation based on melting. The children will learnt to define melting and freezing. They will complete investigations that help them to learn about the properties of gases.


In history this term the topic is the Victorians. The class will look at different aspects of the Victorian period. They will place the Victorian period on a timeline. They will learn about Queen Victoria. The children will consider the difference between the life of the rich and poor. They will consider the life of children in the past and experience a day in the life of a Victorian school room. The children will also learn about life in the workhouse.


The computing topic is multimedia. The children will learn to create a PowerPoint and use different features of PowerPoint. They will consider design and style features and select appropriate fonts, colour and features. The children will learn to insert clip art and photos and add sound effects and transitions to the PowerPoint. Finally, they will produce a PowerPoint based on the topic of Victorian children.


In art the children will explore colour mixing through painting. They will learn to create different tones and shades of colour. The children will also create different textures and effects with paint.


In SMSC the children will learn about the rule of law and the role of the police. The children will then link this to crime and punishment in the Victorian times.


In PSHE the topic is difference and diversity. The children will learn to celebrate similarities and differences. We will learn to recognise and challenge stereotypes and recognise the consequences of discrimination.


In French the children will be reading, writing and speaking colours, body parts and descriptions in French. The children will learn to describe different facial features and body parts in French.


In music the children will learn to sing, play instruments and compose within the song Lean On Me by Bill Withers.
