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Reading Homework

Reading homework will be checked on Monday morning. Children need to have read 10 pages over the weekend (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) and an adult needs to have signed their diary to show that they have been listened to. Children will earn 10 wellians for reading homework on Monday and will be fined 5 wellians if it has not been completed. Children can earn the 5 wellians back if they read Monday night. If children have not read by Tuesday they will need to miss their break time and read on Tuesday. Any additional reading throughout the week will be awarded an extra wellian per night.


Spelling Homework

Spelling homework is handed in on Friday morning. New spellings will be given out the same day. Children need to practise each spelling at least 3 times and can write their spellings into sentences too. Children need to complete their spelling homework in their spelling homework book. Children will earn 10 wellians for completed spelling homework and will be fined 5 wellians if it has not been completed. If children have not completed their spelling homework by Monday they will need to miss their break time to complete it on Monday.


Maths Homework

Maths homework is handed in on Thursday morning. New maths homework will be given out on Friday. Children will earn 10 wellians for completed maths homework and will be fined 5 wellians if it has not been completed. Maths homework will be given in a maths homework folder and will support children's mathematics learning in school. If children have not completed their maths homework by Friday they will need to miss their break time on Friday to complete it.


Learning Log

The learning log is a long term project which is explained on the document attached below.


You can hand in any homework earlier than the hand-in date if it has been completed earlier.

Summer 2 Learning Log
