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School Sport


  • 19th- 23rd June NATIONAL SPORTS WEEK (more info coming soon)
  • Thurs 29th June     SPORTS DAY (more info coming soon)
  • Wed 5th July   Y3/4 Quadkids   Heritage High  12.30-2.30pm

21.6.23 Y5/6 Quadkids Athletics


21.6.23 Y5/6 Quadkids Athletics

Well done team on finishing a close 2nd!


19.6.23 Y5/6 Cricket

Well done team on finishing a close 3rd! 


9.6.23 Y5 Tri-golf

Well done to our Y5 golfers who stepped up whilst the Y6 were away at the Isle of Wight to compete!

8.6.23  Y3/4 Tri-golf

Great golfing skills team! These children have committed to 6 sessions of afterschool golf run by Bolsover District Council and today got to put their practice into action. We were very proud of your efforts and behaviour. 

7.6.23 Y5 Orienteering 

A huge well done to our Year 5 team who stood in whilst the Y6s were at the Isle of Wight to compete and finished 3rd with an impressive time of 10:35!


23.5.23  Y5/6 Triathlon  

Well done to the teams who lived by our school moto B.E.S.T and had a fun time being active!


22.5.23 Y5/6 Tag Rugby 

WINNERS!!! Huge congratulations to the Tag Rugby Club on winning every match to WIN the Tag Rugby tournament. The competition was great- such a fab event. We would like to offer Shane Turner (BDCC) a special thank you for all the hours of training that have paid off. A special mention to Riley and Holly on being awarded the Spirit of the Games for excellence and determination. We are so proud! 


19.5.23 Reception Summer Fun Festival 

A huge well done to our 18 leaders who helped BASSN deliver the Reception Summer Fun event to 3 schools!  You were amazing and all the Cheeky Chimps had a fantastic time.



More photos of the Cheeky chimps to come....


3.5.23 Intergalactic Adventure Teambuilding Day 

All of the children from FS2 -Y6 enjoyed a session of 3 team building activities.

Photos to follow





22.3.23 Y5/6 Swimming Gala 

What a fantastic team effort from all participants to win the District Swimming Gala!!


6.3.23  COUNTY Cross Country Finals 

 Huge congratulations to our Y5/6 Boys finishing 5th in the County Cross Country! 


Individual Results:

Joel 8th

Henry 24th

Callum 27th

Alex 31st

George 35th 


Another excellent performance from Holly who finished 10th! 


Super proud of you all! wink

16.2.23  DISTRICT Cross Country Finals

WOW, WOW, WOW. We are so very proud!smileysmileysmiley

  1. Congratulations to Nancy on her first District event. She ran her heart out and was awarded the spirit of the games for her courage and self-belief.
  2. Congratulations to Holly on finishing 2nd and qualifying for the County level.
  3. Congratulations to the boys on WINNING the team race and qualifying for the County level! Well done George on receiving a spirit of the games award for determination.



13.2.23  DISTRICT Y5/6 Mixed Basketball    

Fantastic work team! Finished in 2nd place, just missing out on 1st! 

Congratulations to Riley for being awarded the Spirit of the Games award for passion and excellence




2.2.23   Y1/2 Infant Agility

Huge congratulations to our youngest competitors- finishing 2nd in their first inter- competition! yes


30.11.22    Y3/4 Sportshall Athletics      

An amazing performance! WINNERS yes


24.11.22   Y5/6 Sportshall Athletics      

Well done to the team on finishing 2nd- missing out on 1st by only 6 points!

18.10.22 Cross Country 

Congratulations to all 32 children who took part.


The results:

Y3/4 Girls-  4th

Y3/4 Boys - A team - 6th      B team- 7th

Y5/6 Girls-  A team - 4th      B team - 9th

Y5/6 Boys - A team - 4th      B team - 2nd


Special mentions Nancy (Y4)  and Joel (Y5) who came 3rd and Holly (Y6) who came 2nd!     

The Y5/6 boys team and the individuals have been invited to compete at District level in February 2023

13.10.22 Y5/6 GIRLS Football 

Well done Girls - another spirit of the Games

5.10.22 Dodgeball

Great passion team at the Dodgeball competition! Some great skills earning them 2nd place!


Special mention to Ethan who absolutely put his soul into the game and stayed positive throughout. 

29.9.22 Mixed Football

Well done to both teams on powering through the weather at the cluster football tournament. All players worked hard with orange team finishing 4th and green team 5th.


Special mentions to Ella for being selected for the passion award, Sam on achieving the determination award and Connor for achieving the Self-belief award!
