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Week beginning 6th July

Please continue to use the Rith Miskin videos to support phonics.








Year 1- pages 52-53 of Maths workbook

Year 1- pages 54-55 of Maths workbook

Year 1- pages 56-57 of Maths workbook

Year 1- pages 58-59 of Maths workbook.

Year 1- pages 60-61 of Maths workbook

FS2- Using Oak Academy website


Explore numbers, strategy and patterns



Explore numbers, strategy and patterns

Explore conservation of number

Apply knowledge of addition/subtraction

Apply knowledge of addition/subtraction


Year 1- Spellings

Pages 52-53 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 54-55 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 56-57 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 58-59 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 60-61 of English workbook

FS2- Spellings- please choose 10 words that you found tricky over the last few weeks to practise this week.


Language Focus - minibeasts



Hear the story (audio retiveval)

Map a factfile

Read a sentence (factfile)

Write a sentence (factfile)


Choose a Cosmic Kids Yoga to do from Youtube

Read Knight and Dragons, unite!


Complete the story sequencing or draw your own story board

Cut and stick knight.

Choose a BBC Supermovers video to get up and move to

Design you family coat of arms for your own knights shield.
