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Spellings are set each week, on a Monday. Your child has a spelling book to bring home. They should practise their words and write a sentence for each of their spellings. Spelling homework is collected in every Friday and words are tested on Friday.


Your child is expected to read at least 10 pages of their book at home each week to an adult and have their reading diary signed. Diaries are collected in on a Monday. They will stay in school until Friday so that they are available for guided reading sessions. The children will bring them home on Fridays.


Maths homework will be handed out on a Thursday and collected in on a Thursday. 


Once a term, we will set a Learning Log for Year 5/6. This term (Spring 1) Year 6 are not required to complete a Learning Log as they are doing extra Booster work for the SATs.


Here is a copy of this term's Learning Logs for Year 5:
