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Week 12

This week there are lots of Science experiments in the afternoons. There are a few things that you will need to carry then out. You will need:

Bicarbonate of soda

Food colourings

Distilled white or malt vinegar










9.20 – 9.40

Shared Reading


The children in school voted for ‘A Magical Muddle’ to be this week’s story. 



Reading – Oxford Owl


Log in to oxford and read the book ‘The Magic Paint Brush’

It’s on Accelerated Reader so you could test on it too. Just make sure you select the right version.



Complete the comprehension ‘Sheba and the Dragon’

Reading – myON

This site now needs you to sign in.

Use the link on our webpage to find the link and log in details.


Search for today’s book ‘Do Not Take Your Dragon to Dinner’


It’s on Accelerated Reader so you could test on it if you wanted to.

Reading - Oxford Owl


Use the myON link to look for today’s book

‘Magic Broom’


It’s very easy so you might want to spend some more time exploring other books



    1. - 10.30

Book of Spells

Look at Tabitha’s Book of spells. Notice that they rhyme and that they follow the same pattern.

Have a go at making up some of your own magical spells. Remember to use the same layout as Tabitha and make sure that they rhyme. You could post them into the blog for everyone to see.



Look through the PowerPoint for this week’s spellings



Do this week’s spellings word search.

At the bottom of the page.


Magical Potion Instructions

Invent your own potion. What will your potion do? What will the magical ingredients be? How will you make your potion?

Write the instructions for making it. A list of ingredients and what it does.

There are some templates to help you set put your work if you want to use.



Tabitha’s Diary

Pretend you are Tabitha. Who was coming to school? What did you do? What happened? How did you feel and why? Include lots of information about what happened.

Also do your best to include as many year 2 skills as you possibly can.

There are some templates to help if you want to use them.



Complete the Look Cover Right check sheet for this week’s spellings


Describe the Scene

Look at the picture from this week’s story. Use lots of interesting adjectives (describing words) to describe the scene. Think about noises that you might hear, smells you might smell as well as what you can see.


Do a Spellings test



Assistant Wanted

Tabitha needs some help making her potions. Create a poster advertising the job. Remember to include adjectives to get the right type of person. Maybe include some jobs that the assistant may have to do. Make it look all witchy and eye catching to witches.

10.30 – 11.00




11.00 – 12.15

Tabitha’s Maths Reasoning Cards.

Have a go at the challenge cards based around Tabitha from this week’s story. You can do them in any order but remember, the more stars it has the harder it is.

Tabitha’s Shopping List


Use Tabitha’s potion ingredients list and the price list top figure out how much it would cost to make it of her potions.

Capacity – Measuring Potions


Help the witches and wizards in these questions mix their potions using the ingredients on the shelf. There are three levels of difficulty. The more stars the harder the questions. Choose which level you want to do more than one if you want.

Magic Squares

Complete the magic squares. You can’t use the same number twice in a square and each line row and diagonal has to add up to the same.  There is a challenge at the end to make up your own. You don’t have to do this but can if you want.

Number Magic


You will need a calculator to help work out these magic tricks with numbers.

Carefully read the instructions and be amazed by what happens in each trick.

12.15 – 1.15


Afternoon Sessions


1.15 - 2.00



 2.00 – 2.15


2.15 - 3.15



Bubbling Magic Potion


Follow the instructions on the card to make the magic potion.

Afterwards use the write up sheet to say what happened.


Slime Potion


Follow the instructions on the card to make your slime. Afterwards use the write up sheet to explain what happened.





Flying Paper Clips


Follow the instruction on the card and watch as you make paper clips fly!




Solo Balloon Volleyball


Set up a ribbon to act as a net and blow up a balloon for a ball. Then challenge yourself to play volleyball—on both sides of the net! Hit the balloon up and over the ribbon, then scoot under to hit it from the other side, and so on until the balloon wafts to the ground





Have a look at the ideas on the PowerPoint or get your own ideas from the internet and create a witch/magic inspired piece of artwork  
