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The children are really enjoying reading in school and have really benefitted from the use of accelerated reader. The children are given an Oxford reading tree book which they can take home and an accelerated reader book which they keep in school. If your child is a free reader they will only be given one accelerated reader book to read at home and at school.


The children are expected to read their books and then test on accelerated reader. The children pass their accelerated reader test if they achieve 60% or more. If the children fail their test they have to reset it, read the book again and complete the test again. The children are only expected to mind map their accelerated reader books. Afterwards the children can then change their accelerated reader book or put their Oxford reading tree book in the blue box to change. Most Oxford reading tree books are able to be tested on accelerated reader. The children are enjoying taking the tests on accelerated reader as they are able to put their name on the pass tree when achieving 60% or above on a test or in the 100% pot when they have achieved 100% on a test


We try to listen to the children read as much as possible and every child has two guided reading sessions a week where they will be listened to by an adult.


There is more information about reading homework on the homework page...
