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In Maths, we are using Power Maths in Year 5 and 6. Mr Moore teaches the Year 5 children and Mrs Tomlinson and Mrs Anderson the Year 6. We will supplement the work that we are doing with White Rose Maths. The children will consolidate their learning from last year and their learning will be extended with age appropriate objectives.


This term, Year 5 children will work on decimals, geometry - properties of shape, position and direction, measures - converting units as well as volume and capacity. Year 6 will work on Problem solving with - four operations, fractions, percentages, time and shape. We will then look at statistics.


We will continue with Times Table Olympics in school each week. It is essential that your child has quick recall of tables as these underpin so much of the work that we are doing. They can log onto Times table Rock Stars and practise at home. 

