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Week beginning 8th June








Year 1- pages 12-13 of Maths workbook

Year 1- pages 14-15 of Maths workbook

Year 1- pages 16-17 of Maths workbook

Year 1- pages 18-19 of Maths workbook

Year 1- pages 20-21 of Maths workbook

FS2- Oak National Academy

Understand concept of double

Understand concept of double

Understand concept of half

Understand concept of half

Apply understanding of doubling and halving


Year 1- Spellings

Pages 12-13 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 14-15 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 16-17 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 18-19 of English workbook

Year 1- pages 20-21 of English workbook

FS2- Spellings

This week we are going to do some work on The 3 Little Pigs story. Look at Materials below.


Listen to the story below The Three Little Pigs and draw a picture about it.

Look at Story map below.

Let’s see how much of the story you can remember from yesterday.

How good is your acting? Click on Story writing 1 and have a go.

Continue to write your story.

Story writing 2.


Choose a Cosmic Kids Yoga to do from Youtube

Look at the powerpoint of William Morris. Ask a grown up to help you read through the information and talk about anything you do not understand.

Look through the photo pack of William Morris’ work. Talk about what you like and do not like about his work.

Choose a BBC Supermovers video to get up and move to

Make your own William Morris style pattern. Draw a pattern in the style of William Morris or print off one or the colouring sheets to colour in.
