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Week beginning 20th April


Don't forget to join in with the daily Read Write Inc Phonics Speed Sounds lessons.


        Monday                                         Tuesday       Wednesday            Thursday       Friday  

All- Look at spellings

Use the week to practise

reading and spelling the words.

Don't forget to look for the

special friends.

All- choose a story from

Oxford owl. Read the story

and do the activities.

Write a sentence about

your favourite part of the story.

Y1- Spelling word search

FS2- Education city- play

the game in Read write Inc for the oy sound

All- Choose one of

the games I have set

on Education City as homework for English

All- Ask a grown up to test you on your spellings.

Y1- BBC bitesize lesson- Counting on and back to 50

FS2- Make a repeating pattern using objects from around the house- pasta, lego, crayons etc.

Y1- BBC bitesize lesson- Counting on a back in 2's within 50.

FS2- Draw a repeating pattern using 2D shapes. You could use different colours in your pattern.

Y1- BBC bitesize lesson- Counting on a back in 5's within 50.

FS2- Play shape patterns on Topmarks.

Y1- BBC bitesize lesson- Representing numbers to 50.

FS2- Choose on of the maths games on Education city that I have set for homework.


All- Choose a maths sheet to print and complete.
All- Explore the DT work below on how to make a moving picture with a slider. You can then make a picture of your worn design. Send me a photo of your picture when you have finished. Choose a Supermovers video to dance to.                             Join in with Joe Wicks                                       

