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Week 2








Look through this week’s spelling list and PowerPoint talk about the spelling patterns/rules. Find out what any words mean that you are unsure of.

Have a go at this week’s spelling word search.

Have a go at the crossword. Each of the answers is one of this week’s spellings.

Unscramble the letters to make this week’s spellings.

Do a spelling test.




Live lesson

9:30 – 10:00


Shared Reading


This week our story is called ‘A Magical Muddle’. It’s a story about witch who isn’t that good at casting spells.




Spend some time reading one of you reading books from school.

Get your adult to ask you questions about what you have read.


Remember to test on accelerated reader when you are ready.

Log in to oxford and read the book ‘The Magic Paint Brush’

It’s on Accelerated Reader so you could test on it too. Just make sure you select the right version.




Spend some time reading one of you reading books from school.

Get your adult to ask you questions about what you have read.


Remember to test on accelerated reader when you are ready.

Don’t forget you can come into school today to get some new reading books between 9 and 10.


Spend some time reading one of you reading books from school.

Get your adult to ask you questions about what you have read.


Remember to test on accelerated reader when you are ready.




Book of Spells

Look at Tabitha’s Book of spells. Notice that they rhyme and that they follow the same pattern.

Have a go at making up some of your own magical spells. Remember to use the same layout as Tabitha and make sure that they rhyme.



Magical Potion Instructions

Invent your own potion. What will your potion do? What will the magical ingredients be? How will you make your potion?

Write the instructions for making it. A list of ingredients and what it does.

There are some templates to help you set put your work if you want to use them.



9:30 – 10:30


Tabitha’s Diary

Pretend you are Tabitha. Who was coming to school? What did you do? What happened? How did you feel and why? Include lots of information about what happened.

Also do your best to include as many year 2 skills as you possibly can.



9:30 – 10:30


Assistant Wanted

Tabitha needs some help making her potions. Create a poster advertising the job. Remember to include adjectives to get the right type of person. Maybe include some jobs that the assistant may have to do. Make it look all witchy and eye catching to witches.


If I Were a Witch/Wizard


Have a go at writing a poem entitled ‘If I Were a Witch’ or Wizard if you are a boy.

Each line could start with ‘If I were a witch/wizard…

I have written some short examples so you get the idea.

Mine rhyme but yours don’t have to.






Tabitha’s Maths Reasoning Cards.

Have a go at the challenge cards based around Tabitha from this week’s story. You can do them in any order but remember, the more stars it has the harder it is.

 Tabitha’s Shopping List


Use Tabitha’s potion ingredients list and the price list to figure out how much it would cost to make each of her potions.

Capacity – Measuring Potions


Help the witches and wizards in these questions mix their potions using the ingredients on the shelf. There are three levels of difficulty. The more stars the harder the questions. You decide which level you want to complete.


Magic Squares

Complete the magic squares. You can’t use the same number twice in a square and each line row and diagonal has to add up to the same.  There is a challenge at the end to make up your own. You don’t have to do this but can if you want


Number Magic


You will need a calculator to help work out these magic tricks with numbers.

Carefully read the instructions and be amazed by what happens in each trick.


Afternoon Session



Clean Coin Experiment Set up

Take some coins (1p or 2p coins are best) and put each of them into a small container. Next decide on things you have around the house that might clean the coins. You could try putting one in milk, fizzy pop, mouthwash, vinegar, water, juice etc. Write a prediction on which one you think will do the best job. Make sure you put the same amount of liquid into each container so that the test is fair. Leave your experiment for the next few days.


2:00 – 3:00


Share your spells.

Come to the meeting to share with everyone your spells form this morning’s English work.

Purple Mash

I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash. You can take a picture of yourself on it and then turn yourself into a Wizard. At the side is space for you to type or you can even record yourself speaking. Introduce yourself as a witch/wizard. Give yourself a name. What is your favourite spell? Do you have any pets? 

Live Lesson

1:00 – 2:00


Clean Coin Experiment Write up

Empty out the liquid and give the coins clean with cloth. Look at them and decide which liquid has cleaned to coins the best.

Write you found out. Where you right in your prediction from Monday.





Bubbling Magic Potion


Follow the instructions on the card to make the magic potion.

Afterwards use the write up sheet to say what happened.




Make, draw, paint, create or craft something witchy.

I have included some ideas but you can be creative. Maybe you want to make a potion using soil and leaves or food from the cupboard.



2:00 – 3:00

We will come together to catch up and have a chat about coming back to school on Monday.

I will also give out this week’s WOW awards.


It is important to stay active whilst at home not only to stay fit and healthy but it also makes you feel good! Here are a few ideas that you could for your PE whilst at home. Mix it up each week to get a good variety of activities.



Joe Wicks is still streaming live PE lessons on his YouTube channel at 9 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

If you miss it, don’t worry it will be available to watch again afterwards. So fit it in around your day.

 In school we have been watching in the afternoon.

Search for ‘Jump start Jonny’ either on Google or YouTube and follow one his wacky workout dance routines. He does some more calming routines now too.

Practice your throwing and catching skills. Use a ball, small pillow, orange, apple or whatever you have to hand. Make some targets to hit. Make up a scoring system. How many times can you throw it into the air and then catch again? Can you improve your score?

Go for a walk, scoot or bike ride. Ask your adult if they have an app to track the distance that you travel or the steps that you do. Set yourself a target and see if you can achieve or even beat it. Maybe look at a map and plan your route before you set off.

Make up your own workout routine. It could include start jumps, press ups, sit ups, jogging on the spot etc. You could steal some of Joe Wicks’ moves. Remember to have some upbeat music playing whilst you workout to keep you motivated.
