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Week beginning 30th March

Year 1

           Monday           Tuesday       Wednesday           Thursday             Friday

Read through the

Set 2 speed sound

words. Make sure you

look for special friends,

Fred Talk and read each

word carefully. Take

care with the alien


Use the link below

Choose a story on

Oxford Owl to read

 and complete the


Write each of your

spellings in a sentence.

Make sure you

spell each word correctly.

Choose your favourite

traditional tale and

retell it in your own words.

You could use actions

and pictures to help

you like we do in Talk 4 Writing.

Ask a grown up to

test you on your spellings.

Play 'Deep Discoveries'

on Education City

Play 'Deep Sea Five'

on Education City

Shape hunt- 2D shapes.

Look around your

house and find 3 objects that

are each of these shapes- circle, square, oblong,

triangle. Complete in your red books

Play 'Counting in Stens' on Education city.

Play 'Hit the button'

on Topmarks. Can your

get a better score every time?

Make a model of and

animal using any materials

you like. You might choose

to junk model or use

objects from around

the house. You might

choose silver foil to sculpt

with. Please send me a photo

of your model by email so

we can share them on

our class page.

Draw some insects

and ask a grown up to

hide them around the

garden or house. Then you

can go on a 'Bug Hunt'.

Write a list of all the

things you and your

family are doing to

keep healthy. Think about the things we talk about

in our PE sessions!

Have a dance to your favourite BBC Supermovers videos.

What makes a house?

Make a list of all the materials that have been used to make your house.


Foundation Stage

           Monday              Tuesday     Wednesday      Thursday      Friday

Read through the

Set 2 speed sound

words. Make sure you

look for special friends,

Fred Talk and read each

word carefully. Take

care with the alien


Use the link below

Choose a story on  Oxford Owl to read 

and do the activity.

Put each of your

spellings into a

sentence. Think it, say

it, write it!

Play the Read Write

Inc game on Education

City for the sound 'ou'.

Ask a grown up

to test you on

your spellings.

Play 'Hit the button' on

Topmarks. Work on

number bonds that

make 10


Build a model using

building blocks of

objects from around

your house. Name

the 3D shapes as you build.

Dance to some of the

BBC Supermovers

maths songs.

Choose one of the maths games in the homework

section on Education City.

Play 'Count the Yeti' on Topmarks.

Then practise writing your numbers to 20.

Make a model of and

animal using any materials

you like. You might choose

to junk model or use

objects from around

the house. You might

choose silver foil to sculpt

with. Please send me a photo

of your model by email so

we can share them on

our class page.

Draw some insects

and ask a grown up to

hide them around the

garden or house. Then you

can go on a 'Bug Hunt'.

Write a list of all the

things you and your

family are doing to

keep healthy. Think about the things we talk about

in our PE sessions!

Have a dance to your favourite BBC Supermovers videos.

What makes a house?

Make a list of all the materials that have been used to make your house.


Foundation Stage spellings
