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Our Topic Question this term is: Do fish have fingers?


As Scientists we will be learning how we can classify animals into the five main groups. We will be learning about the differences between the groups and also looking at the names of adult animals and the names of their young. After this we will look at what animals need in order to survive and look how different animals needs may vary.





As Geographers we will be thinking back to our work on the UK and how it is split into four countries. We will then look to the world as a whole and learn how it is split into different continents. We will use maps and atlases to look at the shapes and position of these continents. We will also be learning the names of the surrounds seas and oceans. Finally we will think about which places are hot and cold and link this to out work in science, thinking about where we might find certain animals in the world. 




    As Artists we will be studying the work on artist Kendra Haste. We will evaluate some her work, saying what we like and dislike about her work. After studying her work we will then design our own piece in her style. Finally we will evaluate our own and others work in the class and put on an exhibition of our work.




As Computer Specialists we will be using Power Point to create an educational tool to be used in Foundation stage. It will contain pictures of animals, sound buttons and snippets of information relevant for our audience. We will then save these in the server ready for Miss Sleight to use in her class.


In PSHE we will be thinking about what makes us different. We will explore a range of stories which address this theme. We will be thinking about differences in families, interests, life styles, appearance and gender.




If you would like to know more about what we will be learning in our topic please click on the links below to see our knowledge organisers.
