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  • Catering Survey

    Thu 13 Oct 2016
    We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete a catering survey using the following link
  • Harvest Festival

    Thu 13 Oct 2016

    We will be taking the children to the chapel on Thursday 13th October to celebrate our Harvest Festival Assembly. The children may bring an item of produce to take to the chapel on the day of the assembly. Donations of non-perishable, dried and tinned goods can be brought into school from Monday 10th October. All gifts of food will be donated to Bolsover food bank after the assembly.


    The Key Stage 2 children will attend in the morning, the assembly starts at 9.30am in the chapel. The Key Stage 1 children will attend in the afternoon, the assembly starts at 1.30pm. You are welcome to attend either assembly and can either walk with us to chapel (we will leave 10 minutes before it begins) or meet us there and could we request that you sit at the back of the chapel.
