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Foundation Subjects

Summer 2 

Who Eats Who?

In Geograhy we will be doing a local study which will include map work



In Science children will:

  •  Give examples of positive and negative ways in which humans can change the environment.
  • Develop an awareness of how to protect the environment.
  • Construct food chains for a particular habitat.
  • Investigate Where does all that food go?
  • Investigate What do animals eat?
  • Construct a variety of food chains.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the potential human impact on food chains in a UK habitat-  What happens when a food chain is broken? 



In Computing children will:

  • To find out what a simulation is and understand the purpose of a simulation.
  • To explore a simulation, making choices and discussing their effects
  • To work through and evaluate a more complex simulation
  • To enter data into a graph and ask questions
  • To solve an investigation and present the results in graphic form


In Art- 

We will be working on printing and repeating patterns



In SMSC and PSHE - 

In PSHE the children will be learning bout bullying.. 



In Music - 

We will be learning to appreciate music and sing and play instruments


In French-

In French we will learn to read, write, recognise and speak French. We will be working on naming fruit and vegetables and then using knowledge we have already got to describe them.

