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Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Information about PE kit is at the bottom of this page.


The children will improve on key skills used in dodgeball such as throwing, dodging and catching. They will learn how to apply simple tactics to outwit their opponents.











The children will explore the principles of striking and fielding. They will focus on developing throwing, catching and batting skills.








PE Kit

PE kit consists of plain white T-shirt, shorts or leggings/joggers (black or blue), black trainers and a black or blue jumper or cardigan (could be the school jumper). When we do indoor PE the children will need shorts under their trousers or ready to change into.


Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied up and earrings need to be removed (if possible/ favourable option) if not children must tape their own ears with their own tape. Children are to have the responsibility for doing this themselves. Children can help each other. If not they do not take part in physical lesson but instead help within the lesson in another role. THIS IS HEALTH AND SAFETY.

Please click the link below for  PE curriculum coverage for the year.

