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Week 2








Look through this week’s spelling list and PowerPoint talk about the spelling patterns/rules. Find out what any words mean that you are unsure of.

Have a go at this week’s spelling word search.

Use your whiteboard to do look, cover, write, check. Look at one of your spelling words, cover it up, write it on your board then check it. Do the same for all of your spellings.

Use 5 of this week’s spellings in sentences of their own. Remember to show off other skills such as questions marks, commas, adjectives. Maybe use a colour to wrote the spelling word in your sentence so it stands out.

Do a spelling test.




Read through this week’s story ‘A Tale of Two Feathers’. Discuss or look up any unfamiliar words.

Re-read the story from yesterday. Try to use your story teller voice.


9:30 – 10:30


Look through the PowerPoint on adjectives. Search this week’s story and jot down any adjectives it uses in your purple book. Then have a go at creating some sentences about the story of your own that use adjectives.

Maybe write the adjectives using a colour so that they stand out in your sentence.

Read your school reading book or something from home.

Don’t forget you can test on Accelerated Reader when you are ready.

Read your school reading book or something from home.

Don’t forget you can test on Accelerated Reader when you are ready.




Remind yourself of this week’s story, then answer the comprehension questions about the text. You can do this in your purple lined book.

Remember to answer in full sentences with capital letters and full stops. Use the text to help with spellings.


Look through the Types of Sentence PowerPoint. Which explains about each of the four sentence types. Then have a go at the task on the last slide. Remember to make your poster colourful and include pictures and/or a border if you want. You could do this in your lined book or on some plain paper if you have any.

There is also a prompt sheet to help you remember each sentence type.

This week’s story had birds as the characters.

I have set a ‘2Do’ on Purple Mash for you to have a go at. It helps you set out an information text about birds and what makes them different to other animals.


Learn about some British birds from the PowerPoint. Then create a fact file, poster or other piece of work about one or two of them.

Can you include different sentence types form Monday? Or adjectives like we covered on Tuesday?

Use colours and pictures to make your work look interesting








9:30 – 10:30

Recognise Equal Groups

Watch the short teaching video at the bottom the page. Then have a go at today’s activity.  

Making Equal Groups

Watch the short teaching video at the bottom the page. Then have a go at today’s activity. 

Add Equal Groups

Watch the short teaching video at the bottom the page. Then have a go at today’s activity. 

Multiplication Using the x Symbol

Watch the short teaching video at the bottom the page. Then have a go at today’s activity. 

Multiplication Sentences Using Pictures

Watch the short teaching video at the bottom the page. Then have a go at today’s activity. 


Afternoon Session


Science – Classifying Animals


Log in to Education City and Click on Classwork. In here is a learn screen which teaches you about the way in which animals can be grouped. There is also a game for you to play afterwards. Your score will be sent to me.


Watch the video BBC Bitesize about birds and complete the activity and quiz on the same page. Then look through the information sheet in our resources.


Activity – fill in the blanks. Remember to use the word bank to help with spellings.


2:00 – 3:00


In today’s session we will focus on the group of animals, amphibians. I will share some videos and other information with you.


Watch the video BBC Bitesize about fish and then look through the information sheet in our resources. You could also watch the learn screen again on Education City that I set on Monday.


Create a picture of a fish an label it using the information you have learnt today.


1:00 – 2:00


In today’s session we will focus on the group of animals, reptiles. I will share some videos and other information with you.

I have then set a 2Do on Purple Mash paint where you can show what you know about reptiles.


Watch the video BBC Bitesize about birds and complete the activity and quiz on the same page. Then look through the information sheet in our resources. You could also watch the learn screen again on Education City that I set on Monday.


Choose a style we have used this week to show what you know about mammals. I have set the paint 2Do again for today if you want to use Purple Mash.

Don’t forget to use the information from the video and sheet to help you.



Joe Wicks is going to be streaming a live PE lesson on his youtube channel at 9 am this morning.

If you miss it, don’t worry it will be available to watch again afterwards. So fit it in around your day.



We are going to continue our Yoga work with Cosmic Kids.

Here is the link:


This week the theme is Bears and Beavers.



Monday Maths - Recognise equal groups

Tuesday Maths - Make equal groups

Wednesday Maths - Add equal groups

Thursday Maths - Multiplication using the x symbol

Friday Maths - Multiplication sentences using pictures
