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Week 6

Please make sure you have checked the live lesson times as they change week to week.









Look through this week’s spelling list and PowerPoint talk about the spelling patterns/rules. Find out what any words mean that you are unsure of.

Have a go at this week’s spelling word search.

Have a go at making a word connections picture. I have put an example in the resources. Write one of our spellings words and then write another crossing it with a letter that hey both share. Keep going until you have used all of this week’s spellings.

Unscramble the letters to make this week’s spellings.

Do a spelling test.




Spend some time reading one of you reading books from school. Work on using your story teller voice.


Remember to test on accelerated reader when you are ready.


Listen to ‘The Cat in the Hat’ by Dr Seuss on YouTube:


Then log into Accelerated reader and test on it. It might be worth watching the video twice to make sure you pass the quiz.

Spend some time reading one of you reading books from school.

Get your adult to ask you questions about what you have read.


Remember to test on accelerated reader when you are ready.


9:30 – 10:00


I will be reading ‘Green eggs and ham’ by Dr Seuss to you.


Afterwards you could listen to it again on YouTube:


Then log into Accelerated reader and test on it.

Don’t forget you can come into school today to get some new reading books between 9 and 10.


Spend some time reading one of you reading books from school.

Get your adult to ask you questions about what you have read.


Remember to test on accelerated reader when you are ready.




Live lesson

11:00 – 12:00


Apostrophes for Possession

Last week we looked at using apostrophes for contractions (pushing two words together to make one). Apostrophes have another job though, to show that something belongs.

We will look though some teaching slides to see how this works and talk through some examples.


Then have a go at the task in the resources.

Log onto Education City and click on the classwork tab. Today there is a learn screen that recaps using apostrophes for possession and then a game to play. I have also put an activity sheet in today’s resources.


Check that last sentence! It has an apostrophe that shows the resources belong to today. They are today’s resources!



9:30 – 10:30


Have a white board and pen ready as we are going to be doing a quiz.


Afterwards log onto Education City and click on the classwork tab. Today there is just a game to play.

I have also put an activity sheet in today’s resources.



It’s your turn to do some thinking and writing today!

I would like you to show off your skills using apostrophes by creating some of your own sentences.

Make them funny, silly, about friends, family, pets.

I would like you to actually write them though today please. No typing or anything else.

I have put a scoring system in today’s resources. Use it to see how many points you can score!

Complete page 100 and 101 in your purple workbook. It goes over using apostrophes in both ways for a final time.






This week we are going to continue using the purple work booklets.

Today you are looking at Pictograms. Have a go at pages 98 and 99 in your booklet. Be careful to read the questions carefully as sometimes one picture is worth more than one!

Live lesson

11:00 – 12:00


We are going to continue our work on statistics today by looking at tally charts. You will have met tallies before in Year 1.

Please complete pages 100 and 101 in your purple booklet.

Today you are going to be working with block diagrams. They work in a similar way to pictograms. B make sure you are paying attention to what each block is worth.

Page 102 and 103 in purple booklet.

   Today you are looking using tables. You will need to put some information in to tables and also read information form a given table. Make sure you read Challenge 2 carefully before answering each question.

Pages 104 and 105 in purple booklet.

   Page 106 and 107 in purple booklet.

These two pages bring together things we have covered this week. Make sure you take extra care with Challenge 1 as Challenges 2 and 3 rely on it.


Afternoon Session



2:00 – 3:00




We will be looking at another of Gustav Klimt’s pieces ‘The Tree of life’. We will have a chat about what we think it shows and what makes us think in that way.


Afterwards it will be your turn to create your own version of the piece. You can paint, draw, colour use a computer, cut and stick paper, magazines or whatever you think the best way to present your work.


Remember to include lots of detailed patterns in the same that Klimt does and make sure the tree shape takes centre stage!




Last week we thought about people who are special to us and why.  This week we are going to think about the things/objects that we have that are special to us.


This could be lots of different things:

A picture

An ornament

A piece of clothing

Some jewellery

Your first shoes

A birthday card

A toy


Talk with your adult about special items that they have and why they are special. Have a look at my examples in the resources.

Today could just be you chatting with your adult about your special objects and thinking about why they are special. Or if you want to you can create a piece of work that shows off your special things. It’s up to you!



Recently we have looked at the local area and found out about street names.

This week your task is to find out about a significant site in the local area. Research the site you have chosen and then present your finding in any way you see fit.


Some possible places in Whitwell you could find out about are:

St Lawrence’s Church

The Wells and Well Dressing

Creswell Crags

The War Memorial

Whitwell Woods.


You could include:


The address

Some history

Interesting facts

Why it is an important site

How old it is


You might even be able to visit!


If you don’t live in Whitwell and would like to research a local site close to your house that is fine. 

History Continued

Take some time to finish putting together your History work from yesterday.



Read through this week story ‘The Miracles of Jesus’. In the story Jesus performs many miracles. After reading choose one and the make a comic book scene showing what happens. Use speech bubbles to show what the characters are saying and the PowerPoint to help you draw the people. If you want you could do this on a computer or in any other way you can think of.




2:00 – 3:00

We will come together to play a game and catch up for one last time before the holiday.



Joe Wicks is going to be streaming a live PE lesson on his YouTube channel at 9 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

If you miss it, don’t worry it will be available to watch again afterwards. So fit it in around your day.

 In school we have been watching in the afternoon.



In school we are loving the Yoga Club work. I hope you are too.

Click on the link:


This week is ‘Reach for the Stars’.


