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Week 3








Look through this week’s spelling list and PowerPoint talk about the spelling patterns/rules. Find out what any words mean that you are unsure of.

Have a go at this week’s spelling word search.

Use your whiteboard to do look, cover, write, check. Look at one of your spelling words, cover it up, write it on your board then check it. Do the same for all of your spellings.

Use 5 of this week’s spellings in sentences of their own. Remember to show off other skills such as questions marks, commas, adjectives. Maybe use a colour to wrote the spelling word in your sentence so it stands out.

Do a spelling test.




On Purple Mash I have set Chapter 1 of a story ‘Anna and the third leaf’ Please read the chapter and then complete the activities that go with it. There is a quiz, an activity with missing words and one with joining words.

Today is the same as yesterday but with Chapter 2 of the story. Read the chapter and complete the activities

Log on to Purple Mash, read chapter 3 and complete the activities.



Log on to Purple Mash, read chapter 4 and complete the activities.




Log on to Purple Mash, read chapter 5 and complete the activities.




Read this week’s story ‘Ronald the Rhino’. It is a story about a rhino who wants to as interesting as his friends. Can they help him see just how special he truly is?


After reading have a go at the comprehension questions. At the bottom of the page there are some things for you to think about whilst completing the task.

Have a quick recap of this week’s story. Can you spot any of the sentence types that we looked at last week? Questions, exclamations, commands and statements. Can you also spot the rhyming words that end each line?


Have a go at creating some of your own rhyming animal riddles. There are some examples on the sheet provided and also some suggested animals with word banks. You don’t have to do these animals or do it on the sheet. You could write them straight into your purple book.



9:30 – 10:30



Today we will be looking at the suffixes er and est which were in last week’s spellings. We will meet for around half an hour and then I will give you time to complete todays task.

 Our story this week has lots of adjectives in it. We know that adjectives are describing words. They can be used to describe what something looks like, sounds like, how it moves etc.

Today’s task is to look through the story and find the adjectives then sort them into what it is that they are describing.

Think about this week’s story.

Complete a book review about it. I have given you a template that you could use but don’t feel you have to. You might want to set oi tot yourself in your book, or maybe make a video book review and send it to me! You could use the template to helps you make a script on what to say.






11:00 – 12:00
Using Arrays

Watch the short teaching video at the bottom the page. Then have a go at today’s activity.  

2 Times Table

Watch the short teaching video at the bottom the page. Then have a go at today’s activity. 

5 Times Table

Watch the short teaching video at the bottom the page. Then have a go at today’s activity. 

10 Times Table

Watch the short teaching video at the bottom the page. Then have a go at today’s activity. 

Make Equal Groups - Sharing

Watch the short teaching video at the bottom the page. Then have a go at today’s activity. 


Afternoon Session



Read through the Parable (a story with a message) ‘The Prodigal Son’.

Find the meanings of any unfamiliar words.


Today’s activity is about compassion which is when you feel sorry for someone who is going through a bad time.

Read the instruction page and then make some compassion promises. You don’t need to print the sheet you can draw your own hearts in your book. If you don’t want to use hearts you can use any shape you want, maybe even all different ones.




2:00 – 3:00

Science – Grouping Animals Based On Their Diet


We will look though the PowerPoint slides that Explains about how animals can be grouped according to what they eat.


After the live session you can use the link to BBC Bitesize to watch the video about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Then have a go at the quiz underneath.


In your purple book or on a computer if you want, under the subheading herbivore, carnivore, omnivore write a sentence or two explaining what each group eats and animals that would go in that group. You could include pictures too if you want. See my example to help understand how to set your work out. 


If you do it on the computer, you could email me your work and I will share it with others on our class.





Look at your work from yesterday to remind yourself of the three groups herbivore, carnivore and omnivore.


Sort the animals in today’s activity into the correct groups. If you can’t or don’t want to print, you could draw your own groups and either write the names or draw pictures of the animals in the right place. You could make this look more colourful by writing using pencil crayons.


I have also set a very similar task on Purple Mash.

1:00 – 2:00


What makes me, me?


Use the link in the resources below to watch the story about Dave and his ship the Theseus.

Then think about yourself and think about all the things that makes you, you. Draw a picture of yourself and write facts around it showing what makes you, you. You could include things you are good at, your favourite colour or food, if you have brothers or sisters, if you wear glasses, have a talent, big feet or long hair.

Remember to use colours, bubbles, borders, whatever you want to make your work look awesome.


Log in to Purple Mash and create your avatar in your profile.

To do this click on the circle next to your name in the top right hand corner. A screen will then open up where you can choose your hair style, eyes, clothes and other things.

You can try to make it like you or make it look silly.




Joe Wicks is going to be streaming a live PE lesson on his youtube channel at 9 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

If you miss it, don’t worry it will be available to watch again afterwards. So fit it in around your day.



We are going to continue our Yoga work with Cosmic Kids week 3 Yoga club.

Click on the circle for the link:



This week is called Funny Monkey.



Monday Maths - Using arrays

Tuesday Maths - 2 times-table

Wednesday Maths - 5 times-table

Thursday Maths - 10 times-table

Friday Maths - Make equal groups - sharing
