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Week of June 8th

This week's activities are all based on 'shape'.



  • Click on the link to the 'Shape Monsters' game.
  • Can you tap on the right monster to match the shape?
  • Can you remember the names of all the shapes?




  •  Today the activity is about finding shapes at home.
  •  Can you remember the names of the shapes - rectangle, circle, triangle and square?


  • Have a search around your house or outside - can you find any objects that are the same shape as the pictures in the photo?
  • How many objects did you find?


  • Making 2d shapes
  • Can you make a shape using objects from your house or your garden?
  • You could use pebbles, grass, sticks, pencils, ribbon, paper or anything else you can find.





  • Today's activity is another game on the internet called 'Shape Patterns'.
  • Can you finish off the pattern on the train?
  • Look carefully at the shape and the colours.



  • Today's activity is about sorting shapes.



  • You will need some paper, pencils and scissors.
  • Ask a grown up to help you to draw some shapes on to pieces of paper.
  • You could draw a circle, square, rectangle and a triangle.
  • Muddle all the shapes up and spread them on the floor or the table.
  • Can you find all the shapes that are round and put them together?
  • You could then challenge yourself and find all the shapes with 3 or 4 sides.