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Week of March 23rd

Week beginning Monday 23rd March 2020



  • Watch the story of 'Goldilocks and the three bears' on the website Oxbridge Baby. This is a simple version of the story that we can use for more activities during the week.
  • Can you collect  five or six objects from around your home and play 'I spy' using those objects.


  • Can you make a den using chairs, duvets, cushions and blankets. Can you read a story in your den? Our class puppets Nancy and Will read their favourite book. Can you see which story it is? Do you have a version of Goldilocks you could read? Don't worry if you haven't -  any story will be great.



There are three bears in the story. The puppets decided to look around the house and collect sets of 3 objects. They found toys, socks, potatoes, spoons and pencils. Can you find any sets of 3 in your house? You could choose another number and repeat the activity for an extra challenge.



  • Our class puppet Will likes writing and drawing. He has drawn a picture of some of the bears in the story of Goldilocks.

  • Could you have a go at drawing something from the story? It could be Goldilocks, a bear, a bowl of porridge, or the bear's house.
  • You could draw your picture on any paper or card you can find in your house - an old envelope or the inside of a cereal packet is fine.
  • Will also wrote the letter 'b' because he knows the sound 'b' is at the beginning of the word 'bear'.

  • Could you do some writing about your picture? It is very difficult to write 'b' so you could do your own writing or marks instead and tell your parent what you have written down.


  • Our puppet Nancy likes numbers so she has made a game for you to try inside or outside.



  • Nancy made some number cards from a cereal box. She spread the cards on the grass outside. Then our puppet Will said a number and Nancy jumped on it as fast as she could. Will said all the numbers to 10. 
  • You can make this game as easy or as hard as you want to:

              spread the numbers further apart so you have to run further,

              hop to the numbers instead,

              use just a few numbers at a time and then swap the numbers over,

              colour the names so you have to run to 'red 4'               


  •  If you would like to watch the Goldilocks story again the link is at the top of the page.
  •  You could talk about the characters in the story and what happened at the start, middle and end of the story.


  • There are three bears in the story of Goldilocks. Can you find three bears, or three of your favourite toys? Ask a grown up/big brother/sister to hide the toys around your house or in the garden. How long does it take you to find them all?


  • Can you think of something you could do to be kind to someone at home? You could make your bed, wash up some dishes in the sink, get out the cutlery at dinner time, put the rubbish in the bin or just give a hug to somebody in your house. There are lots of ways to be kind.


  • Have a nice weekend.




