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Foundation Subjects

Summer Term 1 Topic



The science topic this term is based on digestion and food chains. The children will learn about the parts of the human digestive system and the different types of teeth that humans have. They will also construct and interpret food chains and food webs and understand more about animal teeth and what they tell us.








The history topic of the Victorians will continue this half term. The children will learn all about the toys that children played with. They will understand what life was like in the workhouse. They will take part in a Victorian day to understand what life was like in a Victorian school room. Finally they will understand the importance of Victorian inventions.











The DT topic is called Moving Monsters. The children will design, make and evaluate a monster with a moving pneumatic part.











In PSHE the topic is being responsible. The children will think about what they are responsible for. They will discuss the difference between needs and wants. Children will discuss their rights and responsibilities at home and at school. 


In French this half term the children will continue to learn about Ancient Britain. They will learn how to say some of the different types of home in Ancient Britain in French and will consolidate their understanding of all the phrases learnt so far linked to Ancient Britain. 



In music the children will learn about improvisation. They will learn to sing different songs and improvise and compose music using instruments. 



The computing this half term is focused on learning how to use email safely.


