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General Information

General information

The Key Stage 2 day is longer !

· Registration is at 8.55am (morning tasks are set from 8.45am)

· Lunchtime is at 12.15pm

· Afternoon lessons start at 1.10pm

· There is no afternoon break

· The school day ends at 3.15


The Morning

Children can come into  the classroom from 8.45am to complete their morning work. Please can parents not come into the classroom with their child as they need to become more independent (unless you need to see the class teacher). Children should be dropped off on the Key Stage two playground in the morning.


The End of the Day

As always, you collect your child from outside of his/her classroom but in KS2 this is at 3.15pm. The children will be dismissed from the door next to the hall to the front of the building.


Year 3's

As your child  is now a  KS2, we want him/her to become more independent and responsible for his/her own learning. This includes:

· Bringing his/her book bag everyday!

· Looking after his/her own equipment and not losing it. 

· Completing homework (with your help) and handing it in ON TIME.

· Having his/her PE kit at school.


Healthy Lifestyles

Fruit is not provided for KS2 at breaktime so if you want fruit you need to bring it from home (please remember fruit only). The children will also need a water bottle in school, plain water only please.
