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Week beginning 11th January 2021


Please use the 'Tapestry' app or the 'home learning' book to share evidence of your child's learning, This will mean at the end of the school year we will have a complete record of their achievements.

If you have any questions please contact me at and I will reply as soon as possible during the school week.



Reading challenge

  • Ask a grown up to help you collect some food in packets, tins or boxes from your kitchen cupboards. Look at them together to see if you can name the food items.
  • Do you recognise any of the labels? I found some beans from Tesco.



Number challenge

  • Can you use the tins, packets or boxes to make different towers? 
  • Can you make a tower to match the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5?




Drawing challenge 

  • Look in a mirror and draw a picture of yourself in your 'home learning' book.
  • Look really carefully and don’t miss anything.
  • When you’ve finished your picture, can you find crayons to colour your eyes and your hair?



Mark making challenge

  • When you have finished your picture can you make marks to represent your name?
  • You could ask a grown up to write your name in lower case letters for you to copy underneath.




Reading challenge


Physical challenge

  • At school the children enjoy making their own play dough.
  • I have attached the recipe that we use.
  • The children and I make it together all the time and it only takes a few minutes.


  Play dough recipe:

  • 2 cups plain flour
  • half to one cup warm water
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil (or any sort of edible kitchen oil)
  • half a cup of table salt (this is optional, but acts as a preservative and adds a bit of extra texture and body to the dough)


How to make the play dough:

  • Add the flour, oil and salt to a bowl and stir
  • Add a couple of tablespoons of water to the bowl and start mixing gently
  • Slowly add more water as required until you get a play dough consistency
  • If the dough feels to sticky add more flour and more water if it is too dry.
  • The dough will keep for a few days in the fridge in a sealed container.   


What can you make will the play dough? 




Phonics challenge

  • Can you find something in your house starting with the ‘s’ sound?
  • How many things can you find?


