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Spelling homework 

Spelling homework will be set on Friday and handed in the next Friday. The children will be paid 10 wellians for handing in their homework and fined 5 wellians for not handing in their homework. The children will have a spelling homework book to complete their homework in. The children will need to write each spelling at least 3 times and can write the spellings into sentences if they wish but they don't have to. 


Maths homework

Maths homework will be set on Friday and handed in the next Thursday. The children will be paid 10 wellians for handing in their homework and fined 5 wellians for not handing in their homework.The children will have a maths homework folder. 


Reading homework

Children will be expected to read 10 pages over the weekend and an adult must have signed their diary to show this. Reading diaires will be checked on Monday. The children will be paid 10 wellians for handing in their homework and fined 5 wellians for not handing in their homework. 


Learning Log

The children will be given a learning log to complete each half term. The children will have four weeks to complete their learning log based on our topic work. The children will be able to choose one task to complete from a selection of tasks. They will then be marked and an award given gold (20 wellians), silver (10 wellians) and bronze (5 wellians).


