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Y5 22-02-21

Y5 plan. Spring 2 Week 1 22-02-21










Live Lesson 9.30am

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus

Restart the new half term and catch up!


Rivers- human use?

How many different ways are rivers used? Write them down on your whiteboard. Can we sort these into categories – what headings would we use?


Look at the image of the fisherman.  How might fishing help to improve the river and surrounding area?  How might it damage them?


Did you know that you can surf on river? The waves are caused by a tidal bore – a strong tide that pushes up the river against the current. Tidal bores are rare – only about 60 in the world.

We have a tidal bore on the River Severn. Find out more on this website:



Use the Wonderful Wizards Pack, we are going to use this for the next 2 weeks. You don’t need to print it!


Read the advert on p4


Look at the vocabulary and read the definitions on page 5

Can you draw 4 boxes a similar size and draw pictures to help with your definitions. Also make a list of any other vocabulary that you don’t know.




Live Lesson


All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus

Use the Wonderful Wizards Pack, we are going to use this for the next 2 weeks. You don’t need to print it!



Finish the sentences – discuss these in the meeting.


P8 & 9

We are going to be creating spells.

Can you make 10 new words and then write 6 mini spells.

Don’t forget commas in your lists!

Use the Wonderful Wizards Pack, we are going to use this for the next 2 weeks. You don’t need to print it!


Re-read the text on p4

Answer the comprehension questions.


Live Lesson 9.30am

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus



Catch up


What makes good persuasive writing?

Understand the weasel words and then complete the fill in the gaps activity on page 12. Task 1 is boastful, task 2 is awful!



P6 – Synonyms (Same as)

Match the synonyms and write them in to your book.



Ext: Write your own ‘sentence of three’ about the Wizard Hotel.


New Spellings –handwriting of each word three times.


Words with an ‘or' sound spelt ‘or’



Write each spelling word into a sentence.

Spelling twinkl activity- wordsearch activity link to open .

Use PDF extra – you don’t need to put in your details or sign up for it. Just download and you can write on the pdf and then save it and send it to us. (See the letter sent by email)

Look , Cover, Say, Write, Check activity


Spelling test – ask an adult to test you.


Add and subtract fractions   


Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)




Live Lesson 11am

All Y5 – Mr Moore

Add fractions within 1


Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)

Add 3 or more fractions 


Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)





Live Lesson 11am

All Y5 – Mr Moore

Add fractions 


Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be studio)


Add mixed numbers


Times tables rock stars – at least 10 games (5 must be garage)



Geography/ Science/ PSHE/ DT


Use the Wonderful Wizards Pack, we are going to use this for the next 2 weeks. You don’t need to print it – unless you really want to.


Read page 2 & 3

Make 4 different Top Trump style cards. They will all fit on one page – four sections.

Be creative!!

You can use the suggested headings on page 3. You can draw the wizards given or draw your own!

PE – Skipping Challenge

If you can find a skipping rope and challenge yourself to see how many skips you can achieve in a minute. If you trip, you can restart or just carry on. Mrs Plaister has set this as a personal challenge.


Read the Ten things found in a wizard’s pocket document in the English section on your class page.

 Use the pages after the poem as inspiration and let your imagination run wild....

Go to your class TEAMS  page and click on the Ten things found in a wizard’s pocket assignment. Complete this – don't forget to click on close and then on Hand in.


Live Lesson 2pm

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus

Potions class -

Remember, in our last lesson, we looked at reversible and irreversible changes. In this lesson we are going to investigate an irreversible change.

What do you think the powder and the liquid are that your teacher has?

As your teacher mixes them together, watch carefully. What do you observe?

What made the glove expand? Where did the gas come from? How long did it take for the glove to fully   inflate? What difference would it make if we used less or more powder, or less or more liquid? What about other combinations of materials? Would there be the same reaction with water?


Now take on the challenge to make your own potion following the sheet. When you have finished – type the perfect potion recipe into the assignment and send it by owl to your Potions teacher (if you don’t have an owl, you can send it on Teams.) If you can’t do your own potion challenge, then write about the one that your teacher has done.

Design and Technology


We are going to explore different types of burgers and their nutrition facts.


Look at the slide PDF.  Think about all of the burger places you have eaten at or been to.  Think about what you know about burgers, and think: are they a healthy meal choice? Are they nutritious? How do you know and how could you tell?


Use the slide show to learn about fats, proteins, calories and carbohydrates.


Use the work PDF to practice reading the nutritional information on real burgers form different restaurants.  and use with Worksheet 1A, 1B, or 1C to record your information.


Live Lesson 2.30pm

All Artemis

All Angel Falls

All Zeus


Catch up time with Class Novel

PE –

  • Go for a walk
  • Go for cycle ride
  • Play football in the garden
  • Make a little circuit of fitness like we do on the playground –steps, star jumps, lunges, running on the spot, the plank, sit-ups.




Wonderful Wizards Pack - you do not need to print this!!
