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Week 1








Look through this week’s spelling list and PowerPoint talk about the spelling patterns/rules. Find out what any words mean that you are unsure of.

Have a go at this week’s spelling word search.

Have a go at the crossword. Each of the answers is one of this week’s spellings.

Unscramble the letters to make this week’s spellings.

Do a spelling test.




Live lesson

9:30 – 10:00


In today’s session we will read this week’s story together and then look through some questions to help us understand the story.



Spend some time reading one of you reading books from school.

Get your adult to ask you questions about what you have read.


Remember to test on accelerated reader when you are ready.

Doris is an animal called a slow loris. Today you have some information about slow lorises to read and then some questions to answer.

There are three levels of difficulty, you decide which one you are going to tackle. 



Log on to Oxford Owl and read the book ‘When animals invade’


Then log onto Accelerated reader and test on it.


Oxford Owl Details

Username: turtlesy2

Password: Wearethebest

Don’t forget you can come into school today to get some new reading books between 9 and 10.


Spend some time reading one of you reading books from school.

Get your adult to ask you questions about what you have read.


Remember to test on accelerated reader when you are ready.





 Look at the challenge cards for Doris the Loris. Each ones uses a different English skill. There are 15 challenges in total. Some will take more time than others.

Complete 7 or 8 today and then the rest tomorrow.

Complete the rest of your challenges from yesterday.




9:30 – 10:30

Use the sheet to help you plan your own rainforest story. You can use a dice to get a random selection or just choose one from each category that you like. After making your choices think about how the problem will solved, how the story will end and how the characters feel.

Use the skills planner to plan out what English skills you will include in your story.

Talk through your story with an adult.



Think about what you talked about yesterday with your adult. Look through your skills planner to remind yourself of the skills you are going to include.

Start to write your story remembering to include the skills you have planned. Remember to keep tall letters tall and use phonics to help with spellings.

Finish writing your story. Read it through carefully to check for any spelling mistakes or sentences that don’t make sense.






We are starting a new topic in Maths this week. We are going to be learning about 2D and 3D shapes.

Watch the video on recognising shapes and then have a go at today’s task.

Live lesson

11:00 – 12:00


Count sides on 2d shapes


Watch the video on counting the sides of shapes and then have a go at today’s task.

Count vertices on 2d shapes


Vertices is just a fancy word for corners. Watch today’s video and then have a go at the task.

Draw 2d shapes   


Make sure you use a ruler when drawing the shapes in today’s task.

Watch the video and do the task.


11:00 – 12:00

Lines of symmetry


Watch the video to help you understand lines of symmetry and the complete today’s task.


Afternoon Session



2:00 – 3:00


In geography this term we will be thinking about the world. Today we will look at how the world is lit up into continents, seas and oceans.

We will be using a map to help us find the continents and then marking them on our own map along with the seas and oceans.


Live Lesson

1:00 – 2:00


Today we will think about what things all living things do. We will then use this to say if things are living, no longer living or have never been alive.

Finally we will create a poster showing what we now know.

Live Lesson

1:00 – 2:00


This term we will be studying the work of Antony Gormley. He is famous for his sculptures, most of which are based on the human body.

Today we will learn a little about him and have a quick look at some of his work. Then over the coming weeks we will have a go a recreating some of his work.

After today’s why not have a go at making a sculpture of a person using playdough, bread lego or anything else you can think of. You could even make your own playdough by finding a recipe online. It really easy to make!!!!!


Log into Purple Mash and have a go at the 2Code ‘Air Traffic Control’ in your 2Dos. Make sure you watch the short video that explains what to do. Take your time with it and see how far you can get. It is a little confusing at first but stick with it.


Finishing off

Use this afternoon as a bit of finishing off time. I am aware there has been a lot to do this week and with it being the first week back you might not be quite up to speed.


You might also want to use the time to make something to wear next week for world book day. The theme is Witches and Wizards. You can dress up all week to our live lessons so why not make a wand, hat, Harry Potter style glasses or even a cape!



2:00 – 3:00

We will come together to play a game and catch up.


It is important to stay active whilst at home not only to stay fit and healthy but it also makes you feel good! Here are a few ideas that you could for your PE whilst at home. Mix it up each week to get a good variety of activities.



Joe Wicks is still streaming live PE lessons on his YouTube channel at 9 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

If you miss it, don’t worry it will be available to watch again afterwards. So fit it in around your day.

 In school we have been watching in the afternoon.

Search for ‘Jump start Jonny’ either on Google or YouTube and follow one his wacky workout dance routines. He does some more calming routines now too.

Practice your throwing and catching skills. Use a ball, small pillow, orange, apple or whatever you have to hand. Make some targets to hit. Make up a scoring system. How many times can you throw it into the air and then catch again? Can you improve your score?

Go for a walk, scoot or bike ride. Ask your adult if they have an app to track the distance that you travel or the steps that you do. Set yourself a target and see if you can achieve or even beat it. Maybe look at a map and plan your route before you set off.

Make up your own workout routine. It could include start jumps, press ups, sit ups, jogging on the spot etc. You could steal some of Joe Wicks’ moves. Remember to have some upbeat music playing whilst you workout to keep you motivated.

Monday Maths - Recognise 2D and 3D Shapes

Tuesday Maths - Count sides on 2D shapes

Wednesday Maths - Count vertices on 2D shapes

Thursday Maths - Draw 2D shapes


Friday Maths - Lines of symmetry

