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Week beginning 30/03/20

A timetable for this week is on this class page. If you would like to print the timetable the same timetable is on the document on the class page also. All of the worksheets mentioned are on this web page. Scroll to the bottom of the web page and click on the individual day's pencil icon to find the worksheets. You do not need you to print the worksheets you can use them as a guide for how to complete the work in your workbooks.

Mon 30th

Tues 31st

Wed 1st

Thurs 2nd

Fri 3rd

Joe Wicks PE with Joe Mon-Fri 9am live on youtube. Follow the link on the class page.


15 min Reading

You can read your own book, a book from home or a book from the Oxford Owls website in your stage. Use the class login detailed on the school website for Oxford Owls.


Year 3-Look at the PowerPoint on the school website that introduces the spelling pattern for week 6.

If your child has been set other spellings they can look at their spelling list and discuss/find out the meaning of some of the words.

Year 4-Look at the PowerPoint on the school website that introduces the spelling pattern for week 6.



Choose 5 spellings to write in your neatest handwriting in your workbooks. You must write each spelling 5 times.


Year 3-Complete the spellings word search that is stuck in your workbooks for your week 6 spellings.

Year 4-Complete the spellings activity sheet that is stuck in your workbooks for your week 6 spellings.


Choose 5 of your spellings and write them into interesting sentences in your spelling homework books.


Complete a spelling test on this week’s spellings in your workbooks.


Reading lesson

Year 3 and 4

Look at the work set on education city (classwork 30/03/20) for reading and writing in your my city page.

Listen to or read the non-fiction text Stonehenge Secrets (on education city and the school website). Choose 5 of the questions and write the answers to them in your workbooks in full sentences.


Writing lesson

Bake a cake, make a sandwich or a drink or create something such as a model out of recyclable materials or a picture.

Write some numbered instructions on how you have done it.



Reading lesson

Read the character description of the Gruffalo. Look at the PowerPoint to revise the key features of a character description.

Find and write examples of:

-three adjectives.

-an adverb.

-two similes.

-two conjunctions.


Writing lesson

Draw a picture of a character. Write some key words around the picture to describe the character.

Use the character description template for ideas on how to describe your character.


Writing lesson

Year 3-Write at least 4 sentences to describe your character. Try to use adjectives, adverbs and similes.

Year 4-Write at least 2 paragraphs to describe your character. Think about the character’s actions. Try to use adjectives, adverbs, similes and conjunctions.


Year 3 children look at Miss Webster’s class page.

Year 4 complete the activity on education city on tenths and hundredths called Over and Under (Classwork 30/03/20).

Complete the over and under worksheet on tenths and hundredths in your workbooks.


Year 3 children look at Miss Webster’s class page.

Year 4 complete the four operations sheet on the school website.


Year 3 children look at Miss Webster’s class page.

Year 4 complete the activity on education city on the 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables called Disco Robot (classwork 01/04/20). Complete the Disco robot worksheet on the 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables in your workbooks.


Year 3 children look at Miss Webster’s class page.

Year 4 use the add two or more fractions PowerPoint on the school website to revise adding fractions. Complete the adding two or more fractions worksheet. The answers are on the school website if you wish to check your answers.




Year 3 children look at Miss Webster’s class page.

Year 4 watch the PowerPoint on subtracting fractions to revise subtracting fractions.

Complete the subtracting fractions worksheet.

10 mins Reading

You can read your own book, a book from home or a book from the Oxford Owls website in your stage. Use the class login detailed on the school website.


60 minutes exercise or physical activity.

You could use jump start Jonny workouts or do a Joe Wicks PE workout. Look at the school webpage for the links to the websites.


Draw or paint a picture of a scene from the Victorian times. You could draw a picture of Queen Victoria on her throne, the workhouse, a poor family, a school etc.

Challenge-Write some words around the picture to describe the scene eg. describe Queen Victoria using words such as important, powerful, royal etc.


Draw a picture of a flower either from the pictures provided on the school webpage or from a flower in your garden.


Describe the processes of melting and freezing and draw some examples of melting and freezing eg. melting chocolate, making ice cubes. Try to use the key words solid and liquid in your explanations.

-Could you try one of the processes at home eg. make ice cream at home?


Choose one or more of the activities below:

-Become a wildlife detective and go on a minibeast hunt with your grown-up in your garden.

-Create a springtime picture using materials from your garden.

-Draw or paint a rainbow that you can stick on your window.

-Make a model out of recyclable materials.

-Complete an activity in your learning log.

