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Foundation Subjects




We will be looking at maps of all types. We will begin by looking at maps of UK including regions and counties. We will then be looking at map symbols. We will work on locating things on a map using compass points and 4 figure grid references.





Are maps important Knowledge Organiser


This topic is all about the painting style Pointillism and particularly the work of  the artist Georges Seurat.

The children will be building skills up through the week to eventually producing their own pointillist painting.


The PSHE topic this term is all about drugs and medicine. The children will learn about what medicines are and how to use them safely. We will do some work on assessing risk and making informed choices.

This term also includes RSE week.



The children will continue to learn French using the new Language Angels scheme of learning. Their French topic this term is called Au salon de thé/at the tearoom .



In Computing the children will be focusing on Branching Databases



In RE the children will be continuing to follow the topic -  What do we learn from religions about deciding what is right or wrong?



 This terms music is a round up of skills from the year. They will listen and appraise music linked to different styles. The children will continue to learn the recorder and glockenspiel
