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Week 1 22.02.2021


I hope you have had a lovely half term week and that you are all keeping safe and well. 

Please keep sending your photos and videos to show me what you are doing. I love seeing them as I am missing you all very much. 










Phonics – We are now going to move on to Speed Sounds Set 2. Watch Set 2 ‘ay’ below.  


Spellings – Practise writing your spellings below using look, cover, write, check.

Phonics – Complete these two activities on Education City.

Learn Screen – A Day by the Bay.

Activity – A Day by the Bay.


Reading - Read through one of your school reading books.

Ask a grown up to ask you some questions about it.

Phonics – Can you remember that we can still read alien words even though they are not real words?

Play Odd and Bob below. Can you spot the alien words? Don’t forget to do your best alien impression!


Spellings – Practise writing your spellings below using look, cover, write, check.

Phonics – Watch Set 2 ‘ee’ below.


Reading - Read through one of your school reading books.

Ask a grown up to ask you some questions about it. Don’t forget to look for the glasses.

Phonics – Complete these two activities on Education City.

Activity – Meet the Sheep.

Activity – What’s in the Castle?


Spellings – Ask a grown-up to test you on your spellings.

Let me know how many you get right.


This week we are continuing to use numbers up to 10 and looking at number bonds.

Look at Power Maths Monday below.





Look at Power Maths Tuesday below.


Look at Power Maths Day Wednesday below.


Look at Power Maths Day Thursday below.


Look at Power Maths Day Friday below.



Watch and listen to Cinderella below.

Talk to a grown-up about the story.

Who are the characters? Who is good in the story and who is bad?

Can you draw a picture of one good character and one bad one? Have a go at writing two or three words to describe them.

There is a castle in most Fairy Tale stories. Investigate what a castle is made out of. Why is it made out of those materials?

Can you make your own castle? You could use cardboard boxes, Lego, wooden blocks or anything else you choose.



Watch and listen to Cinderella below. This time look out for the number of different animals and creatures you see.

Draw or paint a fairy tale picture with some of the animals that are in the story.

Go outside and gather some leaves and small sticks to make your own Fairy Godmother like the one below.

Can you find a stick that you can use as your own magic wand?



Did you find a magic wand yesterday? You can use anything you like.

In the Cinderella story the pumpkin changes into a beautiful carriage.

Pretend you have a pumpkin. What would you like to change it into? Why?

Draw a picture of a pumpkin and then whatever you have turned it into.


ICT – Purple Mash

Look at your new 2Dos.

These activities can be done any time from Monday to Friday.


P.E. – Try to copy these yoga poses

Cosmic Kids Yoga-Fairies, Pixies and Trolls




R.E./PSHE – At school Serengeti Rangers have a set of Class Rules that we made together (see below). Can you remember what some of them are?

Do you have some rules at home? Can you draw a picture or make a poster to show me one or two of your house rules?

Art – Can you design something from our topic this week? You could choose a carriage for Cinderella, a castle, a new pair of shoes or an idea of your own.

You can use collage, boxes, paint, a drawing or anything you like.


Live lesson


I would like you to choose something that is special to you and bring it to our live lesson.

I am going to give you time to tell everyone about your item and why it is special to you.

P.E. – Choose a Jump Start Jonny video to move around to.

