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Week 3







Look at this week’s spellings (Week 3) Look at the spelling rule read through the PowerPoint. Discuss any words you don’t know the meaning of.



Do this week’s spellings word search.

At the bottom of the page.


Recap this week’s spellings. Choose 5 of them and put them into interesting sentences. Remember to use as many skills as possible. This could be adjectives, conjunctions, question marks, exclamation marks, commas, apostrophes.


Complete the Look Cover Right check sheet for this week’s spellings


Do a spelling test on this week’s spellings.


Read Brer Rabbits Trickbag on Oxford Owl. Then log on to Accelerated reader and test on it. Fingers crossed you’ll get 60% or more.




Play ‘Wild River’ on Education City


Pages 14 – 19 of the reading SATs booklet.


Log in to Oxford Owl using our class log in which can be found on our class page.

Read ‘Silly Games’ then do the activities from page 13 - 15



Listen to Joe Wick read ‘Love Monsters and the Perfect Present’ on BBC bedtime stories.

Then maybe draw a picture of the love monsters or Cutesville.


Pages 20 - 24 Maths SATs Booklet



Pages 76 - 80 in Maths SATs Booklet


Play both of the ‘Cash Only’ games on Education City.


Play ‘Catch a Cuckoo’ and ‘Organic Ordering’ on Education City.


Have a go at the Stater test on pages 4 – 11 in your Maths SATS book. Get an adult to mark it (answers in the back). If you get 46 marks or more then you are doing well!


Complete the Fantastic Openers sheet at the bottom of the page.  


Complete he rearranging Openers sheet at the bottom of the page.


Play the ‘Sentence Opener Game’ at the bottom of the page.


Use the ‘Sentence Opener Word Mat’ at the bottom of the page. Come up with some great sentences using a mix of these openers.


Complete SPAG Mat 1 and 2 at the bottom of the page.

Have another practise with at tying shoe laces. Remember there are lots of videos on Youtube!

Once you have mastered it make a video and send it to me for our class page.

Imagine a vehicle from the future. What would it look like? How would it work? Would it have wheels? Float? Fly? Or maybe all of these. Draw your idea, label it and give some information about it. Give it a name.

Use this link to do Cosmic Kids Yoga on Youtube.

This week it is Harry Potter Themed.




