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Week beginning 22.2.21









Spelling practise.


Please watch daily phonics lessons on YouTube.

Year 1 children should watch the speed sound set 3 lessons and the red word lessons

FS2 children should consolidate set 2 sounds and use some of the games I have set on Education city to support this.

Play some games on the Phonics Play website.

Read your reading book or choose an online book to read. You could use Oxford Owl or Purple Mash.



Choose a ‘hold a sentence’ from the Youtube channel we use for phonics.


Live Lessons- phonics scavenger hunt


All- 11am-12pm



Choose a ‘hold a sentence’ from the Youtube channel we use for phonics.


Year 1-  Oak Academy lesson ‘Using number bonds when subtracting’






FS2- Live lesson 9.30am-10.30am

Looking at Part whole models.

Year 1- Oak Academy lesson ‘Using doubles to calculate near doubles’







FS2- Cut and stick the correct number of dots in the parts that add up to make the whole.

Year 1- Oak Academy lesson ‘Using the making 10 strategy’








FS2- Investigate different ways of making 10 using the part whole model sheet.

Year 1- Oak Academy lesson

‘Understanding that the = symbol represents equivalence.’







FS2- Play the part whole model game on Purple Mash

Year 1- Oak Academy lesson

‘Choosing calculation strategies to solve calculations.’








FS2- Play the Addition to 5 activity on Purple Mash.





All- This half term we are going to find out about some stories from other cultures. Our first story is from China and one that many children will already be familiar with. Please watch the Youtube clips and try to answer the questions? The links and questions are below.

All- Use the document below to find today’s links and questions. There is also some writing to be done today.

All- Use the document below to find today’s links and questions. There is also some writing to be done today.

Year 1- The prefix ‘un-‘

Look at the information about the prefix un. Can you think of any words with the prefix un that could describe Mulan?

You may use the sheet about Mulan if you wish to print it off, or you could draw a picture of Mulan and write a list of un words to describe her.


FS2- ‘th’ and ‘ng’ cloze game on Purple Mash


All- Use the document below to find today’s links and questions. There is also some writing to be done today.




Purple Mash- seasons trees. Think about what the tree would look like in each season.




Go for a walk around your local area and see if you can see any changes in the place you live. Or choose a Supermovers video to join in with.





All- complete the activities on Education city for seasons.


Choose your favourite season and draw a picture of what the things look like in that season. You could choose to do a seaside scene or a park, or even a city.



Choose a Cosmic Kids Yoga to do from Youtube using the link in the resources section



Money matters. Talk about why we need money and where we might get our money from. Make a list of all the things you might need to use money for.




Go for a walk around your village and find the Church. Talk about who would use the Church and why people might go there. Have you ever been to your Church? Why did you go?
