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Wednesday - On Wednesday children hand in their reading diary when they arrive at school. Reading homework is to read twice a week to someone at home and have their diary signed.

Wednesday - On Wednesday children will also be given Maths homework. They will have a week to complete it but can hand it in at any point during the week.

Friday - On Friday children need to hand in their spelling book. They will take a test on the week's spellings in the back of this book and then get new spellings to be to learnt for the following Friday.


Rewards - Every piece of homework that is completed will receive 10 Wellians.

Each extra reading over the mandatory twice a week will be awarded with an extra 1 Wellian. 

If homework is not completed there is a 5 Wellian fine, this is then returned if homework is completed for the following day.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop into school to see me.
