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Maths and English

In Maths we are really enjoying our new scheme called Power Maths, which is linked to the White Rose Curriculum that we adopted a couple of years ago. In Y6 we are now focused on revision of each topic in order to prepare for SATs. This term covers area and perimeter, data handling and properties of shape and space.



Times Tables Olympics continue in school and will be completed weekly. It is vital the children continue to learn their tables. Don't forget that there are games that they can play at home using Education City and Times Table Rock Stars. The children have individual log-ins.


In English, we will continue to teach writing with a range of genres which will include a quest story in narrative writing, poetry and writing news reports.

This incorporates grammar and spelling as well as topic learning & understanding and the focus on writing skills for Y5 and Y6.


Writing will continue to link to topic work, including History,  PSCHE and Science.


 Grammar is taught as an integral part of English sessions. Spellings are practised during the week and are tested on Friday.
