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Foundation Subjects

Our first topic is called...How do things change?

We will be continuing to learn about the Victorians in our History topic this half term. Our class will understand the toys Victorians played with and make a Victorian toy. The children will experience a day in a Victorian classroom and will dress up as Victorian children. They will learn about Victorian inventions which are still used today and which changed lives. Finally, the children will learn about what Victorian children did in their spare time.

We are continuing to learn about states of matter this half term. The children will complete an investigation to learn about evaporation. They will learn what boiling is and the differences between boiling and evaporation. The children will also read graphs to identify materials from their boiling points. The class will then learn about condensation and will identify where condensation is happening. Finally, the children will link their understanding on evaporation and condensation to explain the water cycle.


In DT we will be learning to design, make and evaluate a monster with a moving pneumatic part.


In Computing the children will be learning to create branching databases like the one above using the Purple Mash program.

In PSHE the children will be learning to understand that everyone has rights and responsibilities. They will explore what being part of a community means and how they belong to a community. The class will identify the difference between wants and needs.


In SMSC the children will learn about what climate change is and discuss how we can reduce our carbon footprint. In the final week of this half term we will be completing jubilee activities linked to the Queen's jubilee.

In Music we will be learning to appreciate music and sing and play instruments to the song 'Blackbird'.

In French we will learn to read, write, recognise and speak French. We will learn the names of items of food and drink in French. We will use the items of food and drink in sentences about healthy living. The children will then understand how to write and pronounce words and phrases linked to sport. At the end of the term the children will learn to use the phrases that they have learnt in sentences.
