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Week beginning 23/03/20

Extraordinary Elephants home learning timetable week commencing 23/02/20. If you would like to print the version of the timetable on the school website or see a bigger version below is the attached word document of the same timetable.

Extraordinary Elephants Home Learning Timetable week commencing 23/03/20

All of the websites mentioned in the timetable are attached as links that you can click on to from our class page.

The additional resources needed that I have put on the timetable are at the bottom of the class webpage. Click on the pencil icon that matches each day to find the resources needed for that day.

Mon 23rd

Tues 24th

Wed 25th

Thurs 26th

Fri 27th

Joe Wicks PE with Joe Mon-Fri 9am live on youtube. Follow the link on the class page.


15 min Reading

You can read your own book, a book from home or a book from the Oxford Owls website in your stage. Use the class login detailed on the school website for Oxford Owls.


Year 3-Look at the powerpoint on the school website that introduces the spelling pattern for week 5.

If your child has been set other spellings they can look at their spelling list and discuss/find out the meaning of some of the words.

Year 4-Look at the powerpoint on the school website that introduces the spelling pattern for week 5.



Choose 5 spellings to write in your neatest handwriting in your workbooks. You must write each spelling 5 times.


Year 3-Complete the spellings wordsearch that is stuck in your workbooks for your week 5 spellings.

Year 4-Complete the spellings activity sheet that is stuck in your workbooks for your week 5 spellings.


Choose 5 of your spellings and write them into interesting sentences in your spelling homework books.


Complete a spelling test on this week’s spellings in your workbooks.


Reading lesson

Year 3 and 4

Look at the work set on education city (day 1 classwork 23/03/20) for reading and writing in your my city page.

Listen to or read the Bolt for Freedom text that has been set on your my city education city page. The Bolt for Freedom text and questions are also on the school website. Discuss the questions on the text. Choose 5 of the questions and write the answers to them in your workbooks in full sentences.


Reading lesson

Read the shortened extract from the story Alice in Wonderland which is on the school website. Complete the reading tasks set on the sheet provided on the school website in your workbooks.


SPAG lesson

Look at the key features of a story powerpoint.

Read the example extract from the story Alice in Wonderland and identify the key features.

Year 3-Use the key features sheet provided on the school website. Write the examples of the key features in the box under the correct headings on the sheet.

Year 4-Print and stick the example extract from Alice in Wonderland in your book and highlight the key features or write the key features of a story under headings eg. Adjectives-minute, wooden etc.



Writing lesson

Imagine you are writing a story about an imaginary world eg. Alice in Wonderland.  Complete the setting descriptions sheet that is stuck in your workbooks. Write examples of settings and WOW words/adjectives to describe one of the settings.

Use the setting descriptions sheet on the school website as an example if needed.


Writing lesson

Draw a picture of your imaginary setting that you discussed yesterday in your workbooks.

Year 3-Write at least 4 sentences to describe a setting in your workbooks.

Year 4-Write at least two paragraphs to describe a setting in your workbooks. You could use this as an opening to a story similar to Alice in Wonderland where a character is transported into an imaginary world.



Year 3 children look at Miss Webster’s class page.

Year 4 complete the work set on education city on the 9 times table (day 1 classwork 23/03/20).

Complete the 6, 7 and 9 times table worksheet calculations in your workbooks that is on my class page on the school website.


Year 3 children look at Miss Webster’s class page.

Year 4 login to education city and complete the work set on my city (day 2 classwork 24/03/20). On education city the work set is for you to watch the learn screen on adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.

Complete the adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators sheet that is on the school website.


Year 3 children look at Miss Webster’s class page.

Year 4 login to education city and complete the work set in my city (day 3 classwork 25/03/20). The work is an activity on equivalent fractions called ice breaker which is completed online.

Complete the activity sheet on equivalent fractions in your workbooks on the school website. An answer sheet is provided to check your answers.



Year 3 children look at Miss Webster’s class page.

Year 4 use the fractions greater than one powerpoint on the school website to revise fractions greater than one. Complete the fractions greater than one worksheet on the school website.




Year 3 children look at Miss Webster’s class page.

Year 4 look at the count in fractions powerpoint on the school website. Complete the count in fractions worksheet on the school website in your workbooks.

10 min Reading

You can read your own book or a book from home or a book from the Oxford Owls website in your stage. Use the class login detailed on the school website.


60 minutes exercise or physical activity.

You could create a circuit eg. star jumps, running on the spot, lunges etc.

You could play throw and catch.

Or use the Jump Start Jonny website (link is on the school website) and choose one of the workouts to do.



Create a poster on everything that you have learnt about the Victorians in your workbook.



Create a picture based on this example in your workbooks using colouring pencils or paint.


Find some examples of solids, liquids and gases eg. solid-book, liquid-water, liquid soap, gas-air, around the house. Write some examples of solids, liquids and gases in your workbook. Describe the difference between solids, liquids and gases based on their properties.


Complete the multiplication wheel stuck into your workbooks.

Complete your times table olympics sheet stuck into your workbooks.

Choose one of the activities: draw or paint a picture in your workbooks, bake, create a model out of lego or recyclable materials, play a board game or complete an activity in your learing log.

