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Each week spellings will be set. These will normally be given out on a Friday ready for a test the following Friday. Currently, we are trialling a new spelling scheme and so children are bringing a book home to practise spellings from a pattern using sentences and spelling pyramids.


We expect every child to read at least 10 pages at home, at least once a week and to have their reading diary signed by an adult. This is collected on a Monday morning. They can read every night and receive additional wellians as long as their diary is signed. 


Maths homework will be given each week. Sometimes this will be times tables and sometimes work from what we are covering in class at the time.

Y6 will have Booster homework every Tuesday and this is due back to school on a Monday for marking.


One Learning Log will be set for this term for Y5. For Y6, the Learning Log is optional but if the children want to complete it they will be rewarded with extra Wellians.



Learning Log Spring 2
