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Foundation Subjects


In Science this term we will be learning about plants and growth. We will learn about what plants need to grow and thrive and name the different parts of a plant. We will also look at a range of wild and garden flowers in our local environment and learn some of their names. We will plants our own seeds, take care of them and watch them grow. 






This term in Geography, we will learning the names of the continents and oceans. We will identify hot and cold places around the world, look at the animals that live there and some of the important landmarks. We will revisit some key vocabulary from previous geography topics e.g. equator. 




In Art this term we will be looking at the work of Henri Rousseau. We will find out about his life and explore the features of his paintings. We will learn about the animals in his paintings and use our imagination to create artwork using his style.  





Our PSHE topic this term is Being Safe. We will look at ways you can keep yourself safe and who has the job of keeping us safe. We will talk about different scenarios and how to stay safe, including online safety and road safety. 



In Computing we will be learning to create pictograms using Purple Mash software. We will learn about using a key and how pictograms are useful to show data. After this we we learn how to present ideas using computer software. We will explore different methods of presenting and share our work with the class.



Our Music this term sees us revisiting lots of the language and techniques we have learnt over the year. We will listen to some of the songs we have learnt as well as listening to and appraising new ones. We will continue to develop our skills on the glockenspiels, using them to accompany the songs we are working on. 


