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Week 5 04.05.2020


Hello my lovely Cheeky Chimps!

It has been a very long time since we last saw you - please send me some photos so that we can remember what you look like smiley. I bet you are growing lots. 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Read through your spellings.

This week's special friends is igh.

Be careful - it's a tricky one.

Play Buried Treasure and choose igh.

Can you sort out the alien and real words?




Practise your spellings using look, cover, write, check.

Ask a grown up to test you on your spellings.

Write them in your red book.

Bank Holiday

We are going to look at our daily routine this week.

Watch the video at


Have a look at the daily routine pictures at


Talk to a grown up about what you do each day.

EducationCity - My Homework

Activity 1 - Hustle and Bustle

Activity 2 - Silly Streets

Draw some pictures about your daily routine. Can you draw them in the right order.  

Click on this link to watch a video about what sounds we can hear around us



When you go outside for your daily exercise stop for a minute and listen...

Talk to a grown up about what sounds you can hear.

Can you remember the sounds that you heard yesterday?

Write a list using the letter sounds that you know and draw a picture to match your words.

Click on this link to watch a video about making up new words


Can you make up some new words of your own (alien words) and have a go at writing them down?


