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Week 5

Please check live lesson times as they may be different to previous weeks.


On Monday and Tuesday morning I wont be in class or near a laptop. Therefore, I will not be able to answer any emails until the afternoon on these days. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience.








Look through this week’s spelling list and PowerPoint talk about the spelling patterns/rules. Find out what any words mean that you are unsure of.

Have a go at this week’s spelling word search.

Use your whiteboard to do look, cover, write, check. Look at one of your spelling words, cover it up, write it on your board then check it. Do the same for all of your spellings.

Use 5 of this week’s spellings in sentences of their own. Remember to show off other skills such as questions marks, commas, adjectives. Maybe use a colour to wrote the spelling word in your sentence so it stands out.

Do a spelling test.




On Purple Mash I have set Chapter 1 of a story ‘I wish I was a fish’ Please read the chapter and then complete the activities that go with it.

Log on to Purple Mash. Read Chapter 2 and complete the activities.

Log on to Purple Mash, read chapter 3 and complete the activities.



Log on to Purple Mash, read chapter 4 and complete the activities.



Log on to Purple Mash, read chapter 5 and complete the activities.




We are going to use the purple SATs booklet today to recap our work from last week on word classes.


Please complete pages 104 and 105 of purple SATs booklet on nouns and adjectives.


On these pages it mentions noun phrases. All this means is a group of words (a phrase) with a noun in it but no verb.


The ball

A frog

Some sweets

An expanded noun phrases is a group of words that has adjectives to describe the noun.


The red, spotty ball

A green frog

Some sticky, sour sweets

We are going to continue to use the purple SATs booklet today to recap our work from last week on word classes.


Please complete pages 106 and 107 of purple SATs booklet on verbs and adverbs.



A verb is a doing or action word.







An adverb is a word that describes the verb. It tells you how, when, where or how often the action is being done.








9:30 – 10:30

Apostrophes – Contractions


Today we will look at using apostrophes for contraction. This is where two words are pushed together to make one word using an apostrophe. We will look at how to form an apostrophe and the rules for contracting two words.


Then I have set a learn screen and activity for you on Education City. I have out two activity sheets under today’s resources. Complete which ever one you like the look of or both if you want.


Football Contractions learn screen and game.



9:30 – 10:30


Apostrophes – Contractions


Today we will recap using apostrophes for contraction. Have a whiteboard and pen or pencil and paper ready as we are going to do a quiz.


Then I have set a learn screen and activity for you on Education City and activity sheet under today’s resources.


Force Field learn screen and game.

Apostrophes – Contractions


Use the links that I have put under today’s resources to play games using apostrophes for contractions.






This week we are going to use the purple maths SATs booklet to recap what we learnt last week on multiplication and division.


Please complete pages 38 and 39 in your purple SATs booklet.

Please complete pages 40 and 41 in your purple SATs booklet.

Please complete pages 42 and 43 in your purple SATs booklet.

   Please complete pages 44 and 45 in your purple SATs booklet.

   Please complete pages 46 and 47 in your purple SATs booklet.


Afternoon Session



2:00 – 3:00




We will use today’s PowerPoint to learn a little bit about the artist Gustav Klimt.

Your task is then to have a go at creating your own version of one of his paintings ‘Adele Bloch-Bauer I’

I have put a picture of it in today’s resources.



1:15 – 2:00



Who is special to me?

Why are they special to me?


Today we are going to think about the people around us who are special to us. We are going to think about what makes those people special to us and what it is that they do that makes them special. Do they give us support, love, guidance, safety, fun, kindness?

It could be people in your family, your friends, your pets.


I will share with you some people who are special to me and why. You can present your work in the same way as me or in any other way that you feel works best for you.


I have unlocked the emails on Purple Mash so that you can send messages to others in our class. All emails will come though me first as a safety net to make sure we are all only sending nice things to each other.

When writing your email think about asking your friend questions so that they have a reason to respond. Why not make them a picture and attach it? After sending your email be patient, it might take a day or so for them to get back to you.


We started our science this term by learning how animals can be grouped in different ways.

We are now going to think about the animals themselves and their babies. We know that all animals have babies, otherwise the animal’s species would die out.


Today I would like you to think about animals and what their babies are called. I would like you to research what animal’s babies are called and the present your finding however you want. Try to find the names of unusual animal babies. We all know that baby dogs are called puppies but what about a baby owl? Or a baby swan? A fish? A fox? And we all know the song Baby Shark but what is a baby shark actually called?



Read The Talents parable. It is a story about three servants. Two used the talents that had and gained more. The third didn’t use his and so didn’t gain any more.

The message is about using the knowledge or skills that you already have to gain more.


After reading the story try to learn a new talent or skill. This could be learning:

To tie shoe laces

To juggle

To make a sandwich

To draw animals

And there are many more things you can think of I am sure.

In school we will be tying shoe laces and juggling.





Joe Wicks is going to be streaming a live PE lesson on his YouTube channel at 9 am Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

If you miss it, don’t worry it will be available to watch again afterwards. So fit it in around your day.

 In school we have been watching in the afternoon.



In school we are loving the Yoga Club work. I hope you are too.

Click on the link:



This week is called Mystery and Detective.


